RTL Today – Letz be healthy: Mitochondria, the key to your health

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells. They produce 50 kg of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) per day so that the necessary vital processes can take place in the body. The combustion of a molecule of glucose in the mitochondria produces 32 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation or aerobic cellular respiration. Disease, excess free radicals, nutritional deficiencies and aging lessen their effect.

The main symptoms of dysfunction are fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of memory, vision and cancer.

Life expectancy

The more mitochondria are protected by antioxidants against free radicals, the better they function and the longer we live healthy and full of energy. The brain and heart have a large amount of these energy batteries. The relationship between neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.), heart problems, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue is easy to understand. Fortunately, we can restore mitochondrial function by exercising more, eating a healthy diet, and taking the right supplements.


Our immunity needs a lot of energy to function properly. In the case of inflammations or viral infections, the demand is even greater. If the inflammation lasts too long, which is the case in covid-19, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, chronic pneumonia (COPD), etc., certain organs will become deficient in ATP and suffer damage .

Our immunity becomes depleted and weakened, especially in the elderly, with possible health consequences.


Resveratrol from the skin of red grapes and quercetin from onion are the most powerful antioxidants that protect mitochondria. They are heavy metal scavengers with anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-viral and anti-neurodegenerative properties. They also regulate a disturbed immunity, either too reactive or too weak.

Alpha lipoic acid is both lipophilic and hydrophilic and can cross the blood-brain barrier so it can also actively neutralize heavy metals such as mercury and lead in the brain. As a cofactor for pyruvate dehydrogenase, it is important for proper aerobic cellular respiration.

As a precursor of NADH, vitamin B3 is the initiator of energy transport in cellular respiration or oxidative phosphorylation. Coenzyme Q10 also plays an important role and is often too low due to heavy consumption of statins which destroy Q10 leading to muscle cramps, loss of libido and fatigue. Iron and vitamin B12 are also necessary for cytochrome c, the last energy transmitter in cellular respiration. The active form of B12, methylcobalamin, is also essential for the methylation of our genes.

A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables provides the nutrients needed for good energy production. Due to lack of time or due to certain processing and preservation techniques, many useful nutrients are lost which the mitochondria need to function properly. A well-balanced supplement can maintain our energy production.

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