Running Zone 2: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Slim for Men

2023-06-28 04:50:00

running zone 2 weight loss men want to be slimrunning zone 2 lose weight Many people may be familiar with the termrunning zone 2 together for some time, butWhat is running zone 2? How can it help you lose weight? Running in zone 2 to lose weight, what to do? Today we have summarizedrunning zone 2 lose weightIt has arrived. Who wants it?exercise weight loss men Get ready!

What does running zone 2 mean?

Running zone 2 (Zone 2) means Running with a heart rate of 60 – 70%, which is the best time to burn fat or Burn Fat, develop muscle. You can use a Smart Watch to help measure your heart rate. Zone 2 is considered the starting zone. of people who wantexercise lose weight

Know your heart rate zone or your heart rate.

Heart rate zone or heart rate which each person has unequal value It depends on the fitness of each individual body. make the zones of the pulse in different periods Therefore will not be the same as well In addition, the Heart rate zone also helps measure fatigue and determine the intensity of exercise. to increase endurance strength of the body and helps burn excess fat effectively, making thelose weight men Not just an ordinary run Or exercise in general by Heart rate zone or heart rate, there are 5 zones in total:

Zone 1 basic: The heart beats at a rate of 50 – 60% of the maximum heart rate. Suitable for warm up and cool down.
Zone 1 uses 85% fat, 10% carbo, 5% protein.Zone 2 endurance training, the heart beats at a rate of 60 – 70% of the maximum heart rate. suitable for weight loss Because the body draws fat to use. increase the endurance of the body
Zone 2 uses 80% fat, 15% carbo, 5% protein.Zone 3 aerobic exercise, the heart beats at a rate of 70 – 80% of the maximum heart rate. Suitable for those who want to run a marathon. or cyclist exercise for good health Helps muscles become stronger
Zone 3 uses 40% fat, 55% carbo, 5% protein.Zone 4 tempo exercise, the heart beats at a rate of 80 – 90% of the maximum heart rate. Suitable for marathon and mini marathon runners. This is when the heart and muscles must use more force than usual. not practicing continuously for a long time for the performance of the body
Zone 4 uses 25% fat, 70% carbohydrates, 5% protein.Zone 5 sprint: The heart beats at a rate of 90 – 100 % of the maximum heart rate. suitable for professional athletes But anyone whose body is not strong enough May cause fainting, increased blood pressure, and may cause a heart attack. Zone 5 uses 10% fat, 85% carbo, 5% protein.

Why do you have to run in Zone 2 to lose weight? Can I use other zones?

Zone 1 and Zone 2 are considered zones that consume a lot of fat while exercising, but in Zone 1 there is no heavy load. or no muscle development at all, therefore zone 1 is a warm up and cool down zone, but exercise in zone 2 or running zone 2 More muscle development It is fundamental to athletes of all levels. And, of course, it stimulates fat burning. and build muscle better

How to run zone 2

if willrunning zone 2 We must first know what the Maximum heart rate (MHR) or the maximum heart rate is in order to exercise. Makes our hearts beat to the point where our bodies burn efficiently. Which running zone 2, our heart must beat low (at 60-70% of MHR), we calculate a simple thinking formula. and is popular

MHR men = (214 – age) x 0.8MHR women = (209 – age) x 0.7

which each person has different strength heartbeats are not the same To keep the heart rate at 60-70%, we need to bring the obtained MHR value to the heart rate value again according to this formula.

MHR value x 60-70% = heart rate value

for example

The MHR value is at 118, but want to know how to calculate zone 2 or running zone 2, what do you think? Follow this.

188 x 60% = 112BPM to 188 x 70% = 131188 x 60% = 131BPM.

This indicates that running zone 2 requires a heart rate of 112-131 beats per minute.

What can I do in running zone 2?

run zone 2 helpLose weight, burn fat wellrun zone 2 helpstrengthen the respiratory system The work of the heart, lungs, blood vessels is zone 2 helpso that the body does not feel too much pressure run and relax not very tiredrun zone 2 helpPractice endurance (endurance), more endurance of the body. run zone 2 helpLet the body recover and repair zone 2 helpReduce muscle and bone injuries

how many minutes run zone 2

running zone 2 continuously for a time 20-40 minutes will help burn fat well. suitable for weight loss build muscle The body will draw carbohydrates to use. Including the use of fat to increase energy as well

how to run zone 2 lose weight

Running zone 2 is Slow running that focuses on landing. Modify your running posture to suit yourself. Use small muscles to move mainly calves and ankles. Start trying to run slowly. Keep your heart in zone 2 for 15 minutes, then gradually move up to 20 or 30 minutes. Take short strides, don’t rush. And don’t worry about the slow running pace. Because running in zone 2 is slow like walking. But it is training to make our muscles stronger, the body more durable, reducing fat.

can be calledrunning zone 2 lose weight asexercise lose weight That men can do, practice patience, make our exercises effective. It’s one way to run and get slim. Because the body burns up to 80% of fat, able to develop muscles. Anyone who likesrunning to lose weight need to preparerunning zone 2 weight loss mentogether

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