Russia accuses Hitler of being Jewish; Israel | Adolf Hitler

JERUSALEM / LIVE: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s claim that German dictator Adolf Hitler, who massacred Jews, has Jewish roots has been controversial. Lavrov made the controversial remarks in an interview with an Italian channel, describing Russia’s claim that Ukraine’s military operations are aimed at denuclearization.

The representative of the channel asked Lavrov what Russia intends to do with de-nationalization, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky is Jewish. The minister responded by saying that the president or other important figures should not be considered Nazi elements in Ukraine because they were Jewish, and spoke about Hitler’s Jewish roots. The answer was that he had heard that Hitler’s grandfather was a Jew.

Israel has sought an explanation from the Russian ambassador, accusing Lavrov of using unforgivable words. Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett has accused Russia of blaming Jews for the worst genocide in history. Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has accused Russia of racism.

This is the first time that Israel, which has maintained friendly relations with Ukraine and Russia and has initiated mediation efforts, has been so vocal towards Russia.

Ukrainian President Selensky has accused Russia of forgetting or not learning the lessons of World War II.

” For a long time we have heard knowledgeable and informed Jews say that the greatest anti-Semites are the Jews themselves. I do not know if this is true, but it was Hitler’s Jewish blood ” – Sergei Lavrov

” Stop using the Holocaust for political gain ”. – Naphtali Bennett

English Summary: Adolf Hitler was a Jew says Russia

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