Russia-Ukraine war: 2,500 civilians killed in Mariupol war, no winners in war, only victims

When he died: Five days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, they set foot in Mariupol. Russia initially targeted Kev and Kharkiv. But what is happening in Mariupol now is far more tragic than it is here. Since the start of the war, more than 2,500 civilians have been killed in Mariupol. More than 2,500 civilians were reported killed in the Russian offensive in Mariupol.

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Things got worse quickly. The bodies of the slain are dug up in large pits and buried together. Pictures of the mass cremation were released yesterday from Mariupol. Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba tweeted yesterday that Putin, who is a strong defender and unable to defeat the Ukrainian military, was bombing unarmed civilians. Indications are that the situation is still the same.

Meanwhile, the power and water supply to Mariupol were cut off. Buildings, houses, hospitals and streets were destroyed in the Russian shelling. It turned out to be a disaster. No one wins the war. Only victims are left in each battle. Each battle leaves only shocking memories and pain.

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