Russian actor Igor Sklyar goes to war

People’s Artist of Russia Igor Sklyar goes to fight in the Donbass. He turns 65 in December informs Star Hit.

“Loading in three days. Echelons to Rostov, equipment, then a month of training – and forward to the barricades! — said the actor.

It should be noted that Igor Sklyar served on an urgent basis back in 1980 – a part was stationed in the village of Inzhenerny, Gorky Region, then he was transferred to the Moscow region. Igor Borisovich has a 31-year-old son, Vasily. He studies at the Theological Seminary and serves as a reader in St. Sophia Cathedral.

Speaking regarding colleagues who are also ready to go to the front, Igor Sklyar emphasized that in the current situation, everyone is responsible only for themselves. The other day his colleague, 56-year-old Ivan Okhlobystin (who has six children. – approx. EADaily) said that he was not suitable for service by age, but his famous friend would proudly go to the Donbass.

“I spoke with Misha Porechenkov. Someone who, and he will go first if they call, ” — said the actor.

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