Xie Hui: Low-level mistakes obliterated the team’s efforts. Before the game, I was full of expectations for the result of the game_Question_Situation_Home

Original title: Xie Hui: Low-level mistakes obliterated the team’s efforts. Before the game, I was full of expectations for the result of the game

On September 29th, Beijing time, in a make-up match in the 18th round of the Chinese Super League, Shenhua and Dalian people ushered in the battle between Wu Jingui and Xie Hui. As a result, Shenhua team scored two goals with Zhu Jianrong’s brace in the last 3 minutes of the game. degree, complete the big reversal, and win the game. After the game, Xie Hui said that the low-level mistakes of the players led to the result of the game.

Xie Hui said: “After our team scored a goal, I didn’t know how to play. I counted it. In 18 rounds of the league, there are 5-6 games where this kind of problem will occur. Some players make some low-level mistakes. There is no way for such mistakes. To sum up, the hard work of the players on the field was wiped out by low-level mistakes. We were in a low position in the back line, there were many problems, and we needed to improve through training.”

Xie Hui admitted that he was looking forward to the results of the game before the game. “Because this is our home court, we have never lost at home. I really have expectations for the result. The opponent is injured and the personnel are stretched. We also played an advantage in today’s game. Of course, Shenhua has a better mentality, Efficiency is also higher, our mentality is still like a relegation quagmire, everyone seems to have lost a game that cannot be lost, and I found this situation several times, which made me feel more surprised.”

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Regarding Manzoki’s playing time, Xie Hui said: “He has only been in the team for the third week. If he sees things like Bosang when he plays for too long, I also expect him to play 90 minutes, but the situation does not allow it.” (Pei Li )Return to Sohu, see more


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