“Russian government decided to destabilize a world in crisis”

Venezuelan opponent Henrique Capriles said this Saturday that the Russian government decided to “steal peace” from Ukraine and “destabilize a world in crisis.”

“The Russian government decided to steal peace from Ukraine and destabilize a world in crisis. The Russian people will also be affected. Attacking another country does not make anyone strong, it shows cruelty. Supporting the attacker makes you an accomplice to death, suffering and destruction,” wrote Capriles, who was twice Presidential candidate on his Twitter account.

He also added that the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, puts his “ego” and his interests before the well-being of the people.

“Nothing justifies this invasion and war, there is no good war,” he said.

Russia launched an attack on Ukraine on Wednesday night, after months of military tensions and after asking the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk for their help in “repelling” the Ukrainian Army.

On Friday, the Minister of Communication of Venezuela, Freddy Ñáñez, blamed the West for “constant provocations” to Russia, which had as an “outcome” the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The government of Nicolas Maduro published a statement on Thursday in which he called “to return to the path of diplomatic understanding.”

“Venezuela calls for a return to the path of diplomatic understanding through effective dialogue between the parties involved in the conflict to avoid escalation,” the Executive said in a statement released by President Nicolás Maduro on his Twitter social network account..

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