Russian teen will spend five years in jail after trying to blow up a virtual building in Minecraft

Nikita Uvarova 16-year-old boy, was sentenced to five years in prison by a Siberian military court in which he was accused of carrying out training for terrorist activities. Likewise, two other young people were accused of being accomplices in the crime, but were finally acquitted and received suspended sentences for cooperating with the investigators.

The three teenagers had been arrested in the winter of 2020, in Kamsk, Siberia. Accused of spreading political pamphlets in support of a Moscow mathematician and anarchist, who was being tried for hooliganism. At that time, the young people were 14 years old.

The brochures were left in a building in the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB)organism considered as the successor to the Soviet KGB. The police intervened the cell phones of the teenagers, and discovered a childish plan to blow up a virtual FSB building that they themselves had created in Minecraft. On the phones, they also found videos of the teenagers throwing Molotov cocktails at a wall and creating fireworks, the report said. Moscow Times.

Uvarov pleaded not guilty in the military court, alleging that he was pressured by the authorities during the investigation process and also denied having planned to blow up a building. “I am not a terrorist, I am not guilty”, Said the minor. He also added that if he went to jail, he would “with a clear conscience and with dignity”.

depending on the medium EurogamerThe case is part of a much larger pattern in which Russian security forces target teenagers to create an environment of fear among young people who are government dissidents.

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