Samsung designs solutions to help diagnose cervical cancer

2024-02-27 21:30:00

A Samsung HME, a division of the South Korean company dedicated to health and well-being technologies, highlighted solutions created to help diagnose cervical cancer, which has the Lilac March campaign to draw attention to the fight.

Cervical cancer is the 3rd most common cancer among women, with an incidence of around 16 thousand cases annually, according to the National Cancer Institute. The campaign Lilac March seeks to raise awareness about the importance of preventive exams.

The South Korean company stated that it is a strong supporter of the cause against cervical cancer, providing not only information, but innovations in its medical equipment that help healthcare professionals.

Samsung’s line of ultrasound devices has advanced features to help professionals be increasingly assertive in diagnoses, with emphasis on the HERA and HS40 models, in addition to the V family (V6/V7/V8).

The company also offers the IOTA-ADNEX gynecological assessment tool, which aims to classify ovarian tumors and, therefore, help with the correct diagnosis through internationally recognized protocols.

The S-Detect feature is an advanced technology that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to detect changes in the breast through a database of lesion characteristics, which makes diagnosis much more agile and effective.

“Samsung’s ultrasound devices are great allies for doctors and patients in ensuring greater precision and, consequently, an improvement in people’s quality of life”, says Walter Brandstetter, clinical manager of the HME division at Samsung Brazil.

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