Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin who disappeared from radar

The history of Bitcoin is a modern epic that started fifteen years ago on a mystery that – so far – has never been solved. No one knows who invented Bitcoin. There is only one name, which appeared online in 2008: Satoshi Nakamoto.

That year, suddenly, in the United States, the houses are no longer worth anything. During the summer, a word between in the vocabulary of journalists: subprime. Americans took out subprime mortgages. Clients with poor credit find themselves with debts that cannot be repaid. So the houses are sold by the banks and the lenders.

With the subprime crisis, confidence in banks is collapsing. However, trust in institutions is the basis of our financial system. We can give value to money because this value is recognized by financial institutions.

However, this idea is beginning to be refuted on online forums: we should create a virtual currency, made of digital tokens. But there is a technical problem to solve for it to work, that of double spending. Since it is a digital token, it can be duplicated. And so, it can be spent twice. And that is an insurmountable pitfall if we want to create a new monetary system.

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