Say Goodbye to Flabby Arms: Effective Exercises and Tips for Toning Your Upper Arms

2023-07-23 23:52:34

It also recommends doing moderate to more vigorous muscle-strengthening activities that work all major muscle groups on two or more days a week, as such activities provide additional health benefits.

With a balanced diet and regular exercise, flaccidity in the arms can disappear. | Photo: Photo: GettyImages

One of them is bat wings, that excess skin and fat that hangs on the upper part of the arms, which becomes an aesthetic concern for many women.

Flabbiness in the arms is common and can be caused by various factors, such as lack of physical exercise, hormonal changes, decreased collagen and elastin due to age, or sudden weight loss or gain.

Most of the women who have ‘bat wings’ or ‘aunt’s arms’ are afraid to go out in the street, wearing sleeveless clothes; Much more can worry them if they go to the beach or the pool. Those are the last places you don’t want to show off your swimsuit with the skin hanging down.

Specifically, they are usually named in this way, because the fat accumulated in the lower part of the arms resembles the wings of these animals, which hang downwards when opened.

Combining exercise with a good diet can bring great benefits to the human body. | Photo: Getty Images

However, there are other types of training that you can include to effectively eliminate this condition.

Lateral Raises: This exercise is done with your arms down, slightly bent, then raise them with a dumbbell in each hand until they are at shoulder height and return to the starting position. According to experts, it is enough to form an angle of 90 ° during the ascent. It must be done in three series and rest for 30 seconds. Push-ups: This movement not only benefits the chest, but is also effective for toning the triceps. To do it, you must place yourself face down with the tips of your feet resting on the ground, while your knees, hips, back and head are raised in a straight line.

Do push-ups to combat ‘bat wings.’ | Photo: Getty Images

Then, stretch out your arms while keeping your head up and bend them until they almost touch the floor. It’s important to note that the closer you place your arms to your body, the more your triceps are worked, but you shouldn’t open your elbows as you lower. The time to rest is one minute per series, which is three.

Shoulder ‘Press’: in this exercise you must place yourself on your back making sure that your back remains glued to the ground and the soles of your feet are supported. Using two dumbbells, stretch your arms up at chest height and shoulder width apart.

To begin, you must make a good vertical drop of the dumbbells towards the chest, with the elbows open at an angle of 45 °. Like the previous ones, there are three series and a 30-second rest.

#exercises #eliminate #effectively

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