Scientists watch the moment of the explosion of a red giant star for the first time

succeeded Astronomy scientists On Thursday, January 6, at American universities, they monitored the process of fading a giant star in a process that is the first of its kind that may greatly serve astronomical research in the future.

Supervised by Northwestern University and the University of California, a team of scientists watched a dramatic and violent display of the death of a star called “thross”, a type of massive star that self-destructs and dies and collapses into a permanently raging mass.

It should be noted that a star explodes every second somewhere in the universe, but the death of the star “Thross”, known as a red giant and which astronomers have always watched, is the first death of its kind, according to astronomers.

There is another type of star that always turns into raging masses, and the difference between it and “Thros” is the process of its collapse, where the star collapses by itself after a collision with another body, to explode and become impossible to erupt after that, and this process is called the classical explosion.

Astronomers also observed for the first time the rapid self-destruction of the massive star, while its body collapsed, turning into a permanently burning mass to be nicknamed the “supernova”.

It is mentioned that before this historical event, it was believed that these giant stars did not provide any evidence of their impending explosions, but this star was monitored as it was emitting bright radiation that indicated that it had entered its last days. Scientists at the University of Hawaii Institute of Astronomy had detected these radiation in the summer of 2020.

According to the scientists, this process indicates that at least some of these stars undergo significant changes in their internal structure in their last days, which then lead to turbulent expulsion of gas moments before collapsing.

The lead astronomer for the study, Wayne Jacobson Gallan, said: “This discovery contributes to our understanding of what massive stars do moments before they die. No such activity has been observed before such a giant star before it transforms into a supernova. For the first time, we’ve seen a red giant star explode. “.

It is noteworthy that stars classified as “red giants” usually have a mass 10 times greater than the mass of the sun of a planet the earthIt is extremely cold, with surface temperatures reaching minus 6,920 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to its cold surface, it usually has enormous diameters. The radius of most red giants is between 200 and 800 times the radius of the Sun.


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