Secret (not) secret tips to reduce hair loss from symptoms of “Long Covid” by Dr. Orn, M.D. Onuma

is one of the main symptoms of “Try Covid” that people usually encounter after recovering from COVID-19 infection for hair loss also known as Sudden hair loss (Telogen Effluvium) that can encounter a lot of hair loss Which, from normal people, will fall no more than 100 lines per day, this time, it takes them to delve into the symptoms that may occur. and how to properly care for Dr. Orn – Dr. Onuma Phanapiwat of Dr.ORN Medical Hair Clinic Hair care clinic by professional doctors that these actors and actresses in the entertainment industry trust and use a lot of services

by Dr. Orn – Dr. Onuma Phanapiwat said after having symptoms of illness, fever or infection, including infection with COVID-19 The patient will have symptoms “Sudden hair loss” It can be followed, which can be observed from the number of hair loss each day. Usually no more than 100 hair loss per day, but if there is an abnormally high hair loss condition Most of them are more than 200 strands a day. Usually hair loss. It is normal to find Because it is part of the hair life cycle. The hair cycle will revolve like this.

1. Growth stage (Anagen) Most of the hair is around 85-90% in this phase. The growth phase is the longest stage in the hair’s life cycle, which is about 2-6 years.

2. Growth stops (Catagen) This is the period when the hair will stop growing. hair follicles stop dividing cells And the hair follicles will gradually move higher, only 1% of the hair on the head is at this stage. And the hair will be in this phase for only 2 – 3 weeks.

3. Rest period (Telogen) Periodically, there are about 10-15% of the hair in the head. at the beginning of this period The hair follicles are pushed up to the highest level. After that, the hair roots will rest and rejuvenate themselves. No hair will be created for about 1 – 4 months before the hair follicles are reduced to the original level. and enters the growth phase, creating new hair until finally pushing the old hair out

Dr. Orn – Dr. Onuma added that Therefore, let us try to observe the symptoms ourselves and count the number of our hair loss that is abnormal or not. In addition, not only providing care in the part of the long covid symptoms. But it is also necessary to focus on the health care of the hair holistically. can be done by Eat food from all 5 food groups and choose foods that are beneficial to health. including getting enough sleep and avoid drinking alcohol caffeinated beverages and smoking as well as hair care so that less hair loss This can be done by taking vitamins that help. To nourish the hair from within and use products that reduce hair loss and strengthen it.

for other techniques To nourish the hair and scalp for patients who have recovered and experience symptoms of Long Covid, Dr. Orn gave additional knowledge that “Actually, not only during the healing period can nourish Hair and scalp go hand in hand With a serum that helps to reduce hair loss, such as Onagain Hair Tonic, that can reduce hair loss excellently. It also helps to extend the life of the hair with natural extracts as well. There is also Hair Growth Serum that helps to stimulate hair roots. Helps make fine hair look bigger Thin hair can look thicker. or taking vitamins that are beneficial to hair health, such as Dietary Supplement Product, which is a deep rejuvenation from the inside But for anyone whose symptoms may be more than normal I want you to come to consult a specialist doctor to take special care. because if the symptoms are chronic and then leave it Excessive stress can be another cause of more hair loss.

For Dr.ORN Medical Hair Center has designed the latest treatment program to meet the needs. For those who want to restore their hair after treatment for COVID-19, this program will be very responsive because it has restored. The whole body not only helps with hair health but also help the overall health as well because if we have good physical health Hair health and other aspects will be good as well. This program called “Anti Covid” consists of

1) Triple H Treatment 2 sessions consist of 3 steps to reduce hair loss and nourish the hair roots. To be stronger, stimulate the hair roots, the hair that used to be weak comes back stronger.

2) nourishing from within That will help this condition of hair loss better with vitamin supplements. Formula specially designed by Dr.ORN.

3) Serum products This will help greatly in stimulating the hair roots. Helps make fine hair look bigger along with reducing shedding extend hair life with natural extracts

4) Shampoo is a part that can reduce hair loss as well. Some of you, if you have used shampoos that contain chemicals. or shampoos with ingredients that cause irritation easily It may be to stimulate inflammation of the Scalp and make hair fall more easily with this formula is a gentle shampoo without chemicals. This shampoo is formulated to help reduce inflammation of the scalp. Greatly reduce excess oil

5) Add vitamins to the body. Rich in concentrated vitamins that are essential to the body through Drip, allowing the body to use immediately. It will help strengthen the immune system to be stronger. The body can absorb up to 100%, which the results are quite fast.

For those who wish to consult further You can come to Dr.ORN Medical Hair Clinic, a comprehensive hair care center. that the actors and actresses in the entertainment industry trust and use the service the most to maintain healthy hair forever answer all aspects Since the treatment to the care at home Anyone who has hair loss problems after COVID-19 treatment can come to Soi Phahonyothin 22 or contact to make an appointment at LINE @drornclinic or call 02-108-8500.

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