SEDESA holds a breast cancer prevention day in Santa Martha – Almomento

Mexico City.- The Mexico City Health Secretariat (SEDESA) announces that, from August 12 to 16, the Second mammogram campaign of the year for Persons Deprived of Liberty (PPL) at the Santa Martha Acatitla Women’s Social Rehabilitation Center. This event is part of the efforts to prevent breast cancer, offering free, high-quality medical care without distinction.

The objective of the campaign is Conduct preventive studies to detect breast cancer earlya crucial measure to prevent the development of this disease. The tests, which include mammograms and colposcopies for the prevention of cervical cancer, are carried out on a medibus and are performed twice a year for women in confinement.

Symptoms of breast cancer may include: inflammation, skin irritation, breast pain, changes in skin texture, and nipple dischargeIf the mammogram result is positive, the person will be referred to the National Cancer Institute to receive specialized treatment.

To maintain good control over breast health, It is recommended to perform a monthly self-examination starting at age 20.The Mexican Official Standard 041-SSA2-2011 establishes three essential tools for the detection of breast cancer: self-examination, breast ultrasound, and mammography.

With these actions, the Ministry of Health reaffirms its commitment to guarantee the right to free and dignified health care for all people, without distinction, thus ensuring accessible and quality medical care.




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