Indian politician Navjot Singh Sidhu is surrounded by a new problem – Sports

There are a few personalities in India who are getting a lot of attention in Pakistan, one such personality is Navjot Singh Sidhu, who now seems to be worried about his wife’s health and hopeful for her recovery. Although the former Indian cricketer is seen commenting on Indian Premier League events these days, the former … Read more

Georgiadis: 300,000 free examinations for breast cancer | Politics: News, News and Current Affairs – 2024-03-16 10:04:49

The Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, announced that 300,000 free diagnostic tests for breast cancer have been performed in women. “300,000 free diagnostic tests have already been carried out on women for breast cancer and the goal is to exceed 1,300,000 by the end of 2025. At the same time, since March 1, a gigantic … Read more

CEMENURNK: High-Tech Nuclear Medicine & Radiotherapy Center Inaugurated in Formosa

2023-12-15 20:30:15 On December 15, 2022, the “Pdte” Center for Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy was officially inaugurated. Dr. Néstor C. Kirchner” (CEMENURNK) of Formosa, a specialized care institution equipped with the most modern technology in the country. One year after this event, historic for the province and the region, it is highlighted that “the treatments … Read more

Preventing Cancer: The Impact of Toxic Metals in American Food Supply

2023-12-14 11:00:28 Toxic metals found in food cause more than 10,000 cancers each year in the United States. Entered 2023.12.14 20:00 Views 17 Entered 2023.12.14 20:00 Modified 2023.12.14 15:27 Views 17 Foods containing the most toxic metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium were baby food, root vegetables such as beets, rice, and dark chocolate. … Read more

Discover the Power of Gac Fruit Oil: Benefits, Extraction Methods, and Anti-Cancer Properties

2023-12-14 00:30:39 You should check whether the oil is extracted from the fresh fruit of northern or central Vietnam. Entered 2023.12.14 09:30 Views 4 Entered 2023.12.14 09:30 Modified 2023.12.14 09:05 Views 4 Gac fruit is a fruit that is a collection of phytochemical ingredients and is said to be the king of phytochemicals. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Chemotherapy … Read more

NHSO’s Plan to Increase Breast Cancer Screening Rights with Mammogram Machines

2023-12-03 05:11:49 NHSO ready to increase screening rights “Breast cancer” with a mammogram machine According to the comprehensive cancer policy, “Dr. Chonnan” admits that there are still problems with not enough machines. Accelerate discussions and select at-risk groups for testing first. Gradually releasing announcements in lots until complete. On December 3 Dr. Jadej Thamthatcharee, Secretary-General … Read more