Preventing Cancer: The Impact of Toxic Metals in American Food Supply

2023-12-14 11:00:28 Toxic metals found in food cause more than 10,000 cancers each year in the United States. Entered 2023.12.14 20:00 Views 17 Entered 2023.12.14 20:00 Modified 2023.12.14 15:27 Views 17 Foods containing the most toxic metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium were baby food, root vegetables such as beets, rice, and dark chocolate. … Read more

Boiled Eggs vs Fried Eggs: Which is Better for Weight Control and Nutrition?

2023-12-10 15:04:13 If you are conscious of weight control, boiled eggs are better because they are relatively low in calories and fat. Entered 2023.12.09 19:14 Views 15,241 Entered 2023.12.09 19:14 Modified 2023.12.09 20:25 Views 15,241 There is no significant difference in protein between fried eggs and boiled eggs, but there are differences in calories and … Read more

Optimizing Your Diet: The Impact of Food Combinations on Nutrient Absorption and Vascular Health

2023-12-05 08:10:46 If you eat eggs with soy milk… the trypsin component in soybeans reduces the nutrients in eggs. Entered 2023.12.05 17:10 Views 13 Entered 2023.12.05 17:10 Modified 2023.12.05 17:05 Views 13 Nuts are beneficial to blood vessel health and help prevent hyperlipidemia and heart disease. However, overeating should be avoided. [사진=클립아트코리아] There are probably … Read more

Understanding Calorie Deficiency and Exercise: Signs and Solutions

2023-11-25 06:02:48 If you exercise, you should eat as much as you need… Signs of calorie deficiency such as persistent pain and dizziness Entered 2023.11.25 15:00 Views 863 Entered 2023.11.25 15:00 Modified 2023.11.25 10:52 Views 863 If pain persists for a long time or fatigue persists following you start exercising, a calorie deficiency may be … Read more

Protect Your Kidneys: Avoiding Excessive Protein, Alcohol, Smoking, and More

2023-11-22 23:13:46 Excessive protein intake, drinking, smoking, and lack of water are also aggravating factors. Entered 2023.11.23 08:10 Views 3 Entered 2023.11.23 08:10 Modified 2023.11.22 09:46 Views 3 Exercising too much or for too long can damage your kidneys. [사진=클립아트코리아]The kidneys remove waste products and regulate the amount of water and salt in the body. … Read more

Healthy Habits for Longevity: Managing Carbohydrate Intake, Snacking, Napping, and More

2023-11-12 14:11:51 Excessive intake of carbohydrates, processed foods, long naps, etc… Changing your habits is beneficial for a healthy lifespan. Entered 2023.11.11 15:56 Views 14,550 Entered 2023.11.11 15:56 Modified 2023.11.11 16:05 Views 14,550 As you get older, it is best to limit foods high in trans fat and simple sugars, such as fried foods, processed … Read more

The Health Benefits of Climbing Stairs Every Day for Visceral Fat Loss and Cardiovascular Health

2023-11-12 01:41:57 Controlling your diet is important, but you need to do aerobic + strength training… The effect of climbing stairs every day Entered 2023.11.12 10:41 Views 0 Entered 2023.11.12 10:41 Views 0 Doing stair climbing exercise every day helps lose belly fat and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크] Belly fat is very … Read more

Optimize Liver Health: Foods to Eat and Avoid for a Healthy Liver

2023-11-11 01:10:45 Avoid alcohol and sugar, and prefer foods rich in fiber and antioxidants. Entered 2023.11.11 10:05 Views 0 Entered 2023.11.11 10:05 Modified 2023.11.11 09:20 Views 0 Spinach, which contains antioxidants, is considered a food good for liver health. [사진=클립아트코리아] The liver is the largest and most important organ among the human body. The liver … Read more