SEE packages 90% of the country’s most awarded dairy products

2023-09-29 19:01:15

Ninety percent of the most awarded cheeses in Brazil are packaged by SEE, the packaging industry and owner of the Cryovac brand. The number is the result of technological research that resulted in solutions capable of guaranteeing product safety and quality, considered fundamental for the commercialization of cheese today.

This percentage was calculated during the 46th National Dairy Products Competition, held in August by Minas Láctea. The event recognized the highest quality cheese categories in Brazil through the evaluation of professionals from universities, industries and federal, state and municipal inspection services. They judged sensory attributes, such as overall appearance, color, texture, odor, aroma, consistency and flavor.

“Consumers increasingly value a positive experience when consuming cheese. In this sense, there is an indisputable need for innovative packaging that brings differentiation to the brand,” assesses Evandro Sousa, Regional Manager at SEE.

As the executive explains, among the winning brands, most use heat-shrinkable barrier films in their products. “It is a system designed to provide high levels of protection for cheese, capable of maximizing food quality and safety throughout the supply chain.”

In addition to different types of heat-shrinkable bags, SEE has a portfolio in Brazil with automation solutions that increase operational efficiency in plants, improving the production volumes achieved.

The list of winners in the 46th National Dairy Products Competition can be found on the website


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