Separation rumors at Vitali and Natalia Klitschko

In an interview with “Babel”, Vitali Klitschko commented on the current situation as follows: “For many years – we have different interests, we have different lives. We have formally regulated it in this way for a long time. It is the wish of both of us. We still have a good relationship with each other, we respect each other. The children have grown up and life goes on.”

Reading Tip: {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ wird-nie -being-enough-as long as-this-senseless-war-runs-4998686.html’})})()”> But the help will never be enough – Vitali Klitschko thanks Germany

For “Doctor Eisenfaust” it remains an arduous daily life. The Ukraine war is still raging and as mayor of the capital Kyiv, the 51-year-old is one of the main figures involved in defending his homeland. (lde)

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