September 15, World Lymphoma Day

2023-09-13 08:00:43

Lymphomas include all malignant tumors of the lymphatic system. September 15 is marked by World Lymphoma Day. The opportunity to raise awareness among the general public about these cancers, which are very different from each other in terms of treatments and prognosis.

Not one, but lymphomas

THE lymphomas bring together a vast set of malignant tumors of the lymphatic system. In France, they come seventh in terms of frequency, with an incidence of 13 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. There are a multitude of lymphomas, but specialists mainly classify them into two categories:

  • THE Hodgkin’s lymphoma generally affect adolescents and young adults and are characterized by the proliferation of a particular tumor cell, the Sternberg cell;
  • THE non-Hodgkin lymphomas bring together more than 27 types of lymphomas, sometimes very different from each other. These lymphomas can occur in any part of the body and develop at all ages.

To know ! The lymphatic system is a crucial element of the immune system, which ensures the production and transport of specific white blood cells. It includes organs (thymus, bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, appendix and Peyer’s patches of the small intestine), but also a complex system of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes

Among non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, there is notably a lymphoma frequently associated with infection by infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (responsible for infectious mononucleosis), Burkitt’s lymphoma.

Lymphomas, multifactorial diseases

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implants, which affects the breasts, is also non-Hodgkin lymphoma. And these lymphomas can be diagnosed in multiple places in the body, such as the eye, the thyroid, the genitourinary system, the digestive system or even the brain, even if most often they remain localized to the lymphatic system.

In lymphomas, tumor cells arise from the abnormal proliferation of lymphocytes (the white blood cells normally responsible for ensuring the body’s immune defenses) B or T. If the exact causes of these lymphomas are not clearly known, it seems that several factors are involved, including environmental factors (exposure to UV, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to dioxins). A professional exhibition can also be involved, in particular for the agricultural sector with exposure to certain pesticides, but also the industrial and artisanal sector with exposure to certain organic solvents or wood dust.

September 15, World Lymphoma Awareness Day

The world lymphoma awareness day which takes place every year on September 15 is an opportunity to provide information on the multiplicity of lymphomas, which are increasingly common tumors. This world day is organized by the Lymphoma Coalition since 2004. During this day, different actions and events will allow the general public to learn more about the characteristics of lymphomas:

  • Recognition of suggestive symptoms;
  • Early diagnosis;
  • Therapeutic options currently available.

For 2023, the global network of lymphoma patient organizations has chosen the theme “We can’t wait to focus on our feelings”. Beyond medical care, patients also demand better consideration of psychological and emotional consequences of the illness.

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


#September #World #Lymphoma #Day

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