Sergei Shnurov commented on the sudden cancellation of the Moscow concert “Leningrad”

2023-09-16 03:05:09

On September 16, a concert of the Leningrad group was supposed to take place at Luzhniki. But a couple of days before the performance, ticket operators suspended ticket sales, and the poster disappeared from the organizers’ website. Sergey Shnurov apologized and explained the situation.

The Leningrad leader claims that the organizer, who cited “reasons beyond his control,” failed to ensure the concert. The group itself did not even receive the original official notice of the cancellation of the performance.

I, Sergey Shnurov, and the Leningrad Group are, as always, ready to perform, but, apparently, the event is really not destined to take place this coming weekend, since the organizer’s information about the procedure for returning tickets has already appeared on the websites of national ticket operators. For my part, I inform you that I will take all available measures to influence the organizer in order to issue a refund for tickets sold to spectators.

Sergei Shnurov promises to sue the organizers if they do not want to return the money for tickets.

See also:

Sergei Shnurov, who turned 50 on April 13, broke the media silence. In a fresh interview the leader of the Leningrad group shared the secret of writing hits.

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