Shattered Knee: A Woman’s Journey with a Giant Cell Tumor and Overcoming Mobility Loss

2023-06-17 14:28:10

A 26-year-old woman in the UK suffered from frequent knee pain seven years ago. At that time, the doctor only told her that there was “something growing” in her knee. After seeking medical treatment for a year, the pain did not improve and the pain continued. The next time she was on the toilet,But the knee suddenly shattered, and it was confirmed after she was sent to the hospital that she had “giant cell tumor”, doctors even asserted that she might lose some mobility after the operation.

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99% of patients lost mobility after surgery

According to the “New York Post” report, the 26-year-old Bethany Eason began to experience knee pain at the age of 19. After an X-ray examination, the doctor only told her that there was “something growing” in her knee, but could not determine its nature. Therefore, Bethany Eason She was referred to a physical therapist, who treated her, but never got better. In February 2017, after she came home from school one day, her knees were sore again, so she sat on the toilet to rest, but unexpectedly, her kneecap suddenly shattered. I found out that I had “giant cell tumor”.

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The doctor pointed out,Bethany’s Knee Caused by “Giant Cell Tumor”Her knee cap and surrounding soft tissue became weak, and she will have to undergo knee and femur replacement surgery, learn to walk again, and probably won’t be able to wear high heels anymore. Doctors even pointed out that 99% of patients cannot have full mobility after surgery. She confessed that she was very frustrated at the time:

It was very sad at first because I love dancing, running and swimming and I thought I would never be able to do those things again! “

With strong willpower, Bethany successfully completed 7 weeks of intensive physical therapy after the operation. She also worked very diligently to strengthen her legs at home over the next year, allowing the now 26-year-old to regain full mobility.She appealed from her own experience that if you feel any discomfort in your body, you must actively seek medical advice, because ordinary pain may turn into very serious consequences.

Symptoms not particularly susceptible to misinterpretation as degeneration

Zhang Yuquan, attending doctor of the Department of Orthopedics at Zhongxing Branch of Taipei United Hospital, once pointed out that “giant cell tumor” is common in people aged 20 to 40, and often grows around the knee joint. The symptoms of this disease are not special, only swelling and pain in the affected area, inability to bear weight and uncomfortable walking, etc. It is easy for patients to mistakenly think that the symptoms are only caused by degeneration, so they simply use pain relief patches to relieve pain.

Dr. Zhang said that giant cell tumor is a common benign tumor, and it also has the characteristics of malignant tumors, but its local invasion is very high. If it is ignored and left untreated, distant metastasis and pathological fractures will occur.

Treatment options for giant cell tumors

Regarding the treatment of “giant cell tumor”, Dr. Zhang Yuquan pointed out that the current clinical treatment steps are tumor curettage, auxiliary cryotherapy, allogeneic bone or artificial bone to provide temporary structural support and plate fixation, which can be said to be common. and effective surgical treatment. The most important step in the operation is tumor curettage. Because the local invasion of the disease is very high and the recurrence rate is high, it is a test of the doctor’s patience; after curettage, combined with auxiliary cryotherapy and drug use, the recurrence rate can be greatly reduced.

Dr. Zhang Yuquan reminded that many tumors have no symptoms in the early stage and are not easy to find. Therefore, to cultivate good living habits and regular exercise, early detection and early treatment are even more important. When you find symptoms such as unusual swelling, pain, or even waking up in the middle of the night, do not apply painkillers. You must seek the assistance of a professional doctor to avoid irreparable damage.

Test for Knee Strain

Yuan Zhibin, a Hong Kong orthopedic specialist, said that the most vulnerable part of the feet is not the ankle but the knee. He pointed out that more than 80% of the patients with lower limb strain or degeneration are related to the knee. “Although the ankle is more stressed than the knee, the other The structure is relatively compact, and the range and direction of movement are less, so the chance of serious injury or degeneration is lower than that of the knee.” He explained that the knee can not only bend and straighten, but also bend and rotate internally and externally. , ligaments, and other soft tissue injuries are naturally higher.

As for how to judge whether the knees are strained, he said that he can try to stand with the eyes of the feet close together and observe whether the knees are close together. If there is a gap of one to two finger widths in the middle, it means that the knees are beginning to be strained; Knees that feel uncomfortable or even make noise, or pain when going down slopes or stairs are early signs of strain; if you also feel pain when walking on flat roads, and the knees appear swollen and deformed, the condition has already deteriorated.

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Exercising more lower limbs to slow down strain

He admitted that there is no way to reverse knee strain for the time being, and the only way to slow down the deterioration is by early detection. He suggested that the public should exercise more on the lower limbs, especially the muscle strength and flexibility of the quadriceps. “It is the part responsible for controlling and stabilizing the knee. , such as less exercise on weekdays will accelerate knee strain.” Before doing strenuous exercise, you should also warm up to reduce the chance of knee injury. If you find knee problems, you should take supplements as soon as possible or even inject hyaluronic acid to control the situation. You can also supplement with health foods such as glucosamine, chondroitin and fish oil on weekdays.

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Written by: Chen Xiaozi

#Knee #PainA #26yearold #woman #persistent #knee #pain #sits #toilet #broken #kneecap #seeks #doctor #disease #Sky #Post #Health #Tumors #Cancer

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