She has her baby’s birthmark removed with a laser, the result is terrible!

This Aussie mom recently had a baby. But her baby had a wine stain that almost covered half of his face. This mother therefore decided to have it removed by laser. However, his choice was absolutely not understood or accepted on social networks. This gave a wave of hate to this young woman. We’ll explaine everything here.

This misunderstood mother

This mom’s name is Brooke Atkins. She is 33 years old. She gave birth to her second child six months ago. This baby is a little boy named Kingsley. But when this little one was born, the parents realize something. On their son’s face there is a large birthmark. It soon covered half of the child’s face.

Although birthmarks look completely benign, they can still be problematic when they appear located on the face. So in this case it could be a glaucoma or syndrome de Sturge Weber. And it can cause blindness or even seizures. But after some examinations, the mother learned that her baby had both.

So this mum confides in the Daily Mail about these birthmarks saying they “are progressive, meaning they will change and darken over time. [Ces taches] may develop a ‘cobblestone’ appearance, with raised bumps, ridges and the risk of vascular bubbleswhere they bleed dangerously ”.

The choice of treatment

So, aware of the possible risks for the future life of her little boy, this mother takes a big decision. She chooses to have her son undergo laser treatment to remove the stain. “Once a port wine stain reaches this stage it is often very difficult to treat and the laser has virtually no effect as the skin is already far too damaged”.

Thus, the mother, accompanied by the child’s father, made this important choice and went to Queensland Children’s Hospital. “No purpose of laser treatments is not to ‘to delete‘ the birthmark, but rather to keep the skin healthyin order to avoid further damage to the area”.

The results of the laser

The mother was happy to see that thanks to this treatment, her son’s birthmark had diminished. Kingsley so wears like a charm. He now has the possibility of live without risk that could cause the stain that covered half of his face. But now, the mother of the family shared her story on the networks and it went very badly.

Indeed, when this mother showed her son and the treatment he had, Internet users got angry. Some thought it was just for aesthetic reasons and that this child had suffered for it. Thus, a slew of insults quickly took place on the profile of the young mother. In particular, we can read “This birthmark is barely visible, what you’re doing to him is horrible, it’s more for you than him” “A Brainwashed Mother makes her child anxious the second he comes out of the womb”.

Crude words that affected the mother. But she didn’t give up and replied “He is the happiest boymost magnet et the sweetest that you will never meet”.

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