“She is more comfortable at home cleaning the bathrooms than in Congress”

Viviana Canosa returned to television this week. He opened his program on Monday in La Nación pointing against the Government. He also criticized the former deputy of the Frente de Todos Romina Urighcurrent participant of Big Brother.

“¿What do they have in common those of the Government House and those of Big Brother? they are all lazy who live on ours, they scratch their balls and do nothing throughout the day”, compared Canosa in his editorial.

“They eat from above. There you have them it could easily be the Government HouseWell, all free, all with ours. AND no one wants to leave the house, obviously. They are a bunch of bums in both houses,” he added.

“Don’t you think it’s crazy that he favorite TV show is one in which no one does anything And are they all a bunch of bums?” Canosa wondered again. Then He focused on Romina. “Look at this other KRomina who was a deputy who goes to the house of Big Brother keep scratching your balls“, said.

Viviana Canosa and a video against Romina from Big Brother

“It is much more comfortable at home cleaning the bathrooms than in Congress where he did not throw out a single law, he did not contribute anything. She is a woman who has three daughters and was married to the controversial former mayor of Moreno Walter Festa. Cries in the house that misses the daughters and no one believes that he is going for a prefabricatedthat this is the Big Brother award, ”said Viviana Canosa against Romina, the GH participant.

“This perfectly describes a K: come in pretending to be poor to the house, but look at her how, with Festa, with her ex-husband, They squeezed an old man of almost 80 years to take the land from him,” Canosa said. before airing a video that began to circulate on social networks.

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