Significant federal state differences in part-time teachers |

A total of a third of teachers work part-time – this applies to both federal teachers (AHS, BMHS; 34 percent) and state teachers (primary schools, middle schools, vocational schools, special schools, polytechnic schools; 33 percent). However, there are sometimes clear differences depending on the federal state, as shown by the response to a parliamentary question from NEOS by Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖV). The NEOS are demanding fundamental reforms from him.

Highest part-time rate in Vorarlberg

The part-time rate is highest in the west: Vorarlberg is clearly at the top when it comes to federal teachers – almost every second AHS/BMHS teacher there (44 percent) only works part-time. This is followed by Upper Austria and Tyrol (39 percent each). The picture is similar for state teachers: Tyrol (44 percent) and Vorarlberg (43 percent) are at the top, followed by Upper Austria (42 percent) and Salzburg (41 percent).

Conversely, the part-time rates are lowest in Carinthia (19.2 percent for federal teachers and 19.8 percent for state teachers) and in Burgenland (28.7 and 19.4 percent). The federal capital Vienna is almost exactly at the average for federal teachers, and well below the average for state teachers (26.5 percent).

For NEOS education spokeswoman Martina Künsberg Sarre, it is striking that, especially in ÖVP-led states such as Vorarlberg and Tyrol, almost half of the teachers only work part-time despite the shortage of teachers. “The fact that Education Minister Polaschek is not planning any measures other than staff discussions at schools to get part-time employees to work more hours shows the minister’s lack of ideas.” There is a need for better working conditions, modern workplaces and much less bureaucracy. “To believe that shortening teacher training alone is enough to make the teaching profession more attractive is naive.”


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