Signs on your hand that guide you to the ‘silent killer’

diabetes Type 1 and type 2 are more likely to experience closed fingers, also known as trigger finger.

• The condition occurs when one or more fingers become curved and difficult to straighten.

• The painful condition can often be treated with injections cortisonebut sometimes requires surgery.

• Experts at Lund University found that the risk of infection increases if the rate of is high blood sugar.

redness around the nails

• People with diabetes often have problems with blood circulation, this means that you may notice redness around nails.

yellow nails

• People with diabetes are more likely to get a fungal infection.

• If you have this condition, your nails are likely to turn yellow and become brittle.

Says "National Health Service" in Britain There are several symptoms you are likely to experience if you have type 2 diabetes.


• One of those symptoms is Peeing More than usual, especially at night.

• This happens when there are a lot of blood sugar Your kidneys work harder to get rid of it, which in turn forces your body to produce more urine.


• Other symptoms feeling thirsty All the time due to more urination which leads to dehydration.

general fatigue

• Feeling tired all the time is another symptom and this may be due to low levels blood sugar.

The agency adds that weight loss, wounds that take longer to heal and blurred vision are all major symptoms of the disease.

Early diagnosis is key when it comes to type 2 diabetes as it can reduce the risk of developing other health problems such as heart disease and kidney problems.


According to what was published by “The Sun”, many of the symptoms that appear on the hands indicate the presence of diabetes, and these signs are:

closed fingers

• A recent study found that people with diabetes Type 1 and type 2 are more likely to experience closed fingers, also known as trigger finger.

• The condition occurs when one or more fingers become curved and difficult to straighten.

• The painful condition can often be treated with injections cortisonebut sometimes requires surgery.

• Experts at Lund University found that the risk of infection increases if the rate of is high blood sugar.

redness around the nails

• People with diabetes often have problems with blood circulation, this means that you may notice redness around nails.

yellow nails

• People with diabetes are more likely to get a fungal infection.

• If you have this condition, your nails are likely to turn yellow and become brittle.

The National Health Service says in Britain There are several symptoms you are likely to experience if you have type 2 diabetes.


• One of those symptoms is Peeing More than usual, especially at night.

• This happens when there are a lot of blood sugar Your kidneys work harder to get rid of it, which in turn forces your body to produce more urine.


• Other symptoms feeling thirsty All the time due to more urination which leads to dehydration.

general fatigue

• Feeling tired all the time is another symptom and this may be due to low levels blood sugar.

The agency adds that weight loss, wounds that take longer to heal and blurred vision are all major symptoms of the disease.

Early diagnosis is key when it comes to type 2 diabetes as it can reduce the risk of developing other health problems such as heart disease and kidney problems.

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