Silverfish What is it and why is it important to avoid it? – Teach me about Science

Within the wide variety of opportunistic animals that can invade our homes, we find a small insect that is attracted to the humid and dark areas of our rooms, and we are not talking about cockroaches.

Commonly known as silverfish, the species Lepisma saccharina It is a small that, although it seems harmless, it can attract other species much more annoying than it to your house, such as mites.

This small insect also receives other names, such as water cockroach or sugar silverfish, and is a specimen that feeds on organic matter rich in polysaccharides (such as cellulose), therefore, it is very common to find them under wooden objects or wet paper. . Physically, it can resemble a centipede, although its body is thinner; they reach a length of up to 12 millimeters long, and lack wings.

As we mentioned before, we can find this little intruder in humid areas of the home, such as bathrooms, as well as in dark places. Dry surfaces are something that these insects do not tolerate, nor are illuminated areas. For a long time it has been considered as the main plague of printed books, since they feel a high attraction for paper

Although this insect is harmless to human health, its presence may be indicative of the existence of other pests, such as mites, which can cause certain allergies in some people, so it is important to keep the house free of silverfish.

The ways to get rid of this insect are very simple, they are just some hygiene measures that you must take. What you must do to eliminate the silverfish or prevent it from reproducing in your homeis the next:

  • Maintain good ventilation at all times
  • Avoid humidity, specifically in areas such as the bathroom or shower
  • Seal cracks in the floor (avoid using silicone as these critters eat it)
  • disinfect your home
  • If you have seen a water minnow, you can spray it with ethyl alcohol
  • Spread a little boric acid in the corners of your home (If you have pets keep them away from this product)

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