Simple Ways to Extend Smartphone Battery Life

Are you worried about your mobile phone battery going down and thinking of getting a new mobile or battery replacement? So we are going to tell you some tips with the help of which you can save your phone battery.

You may not know that there are some hidden options in mobile phones that can help you save your phone’s battery.

Android users can change the decision to buy a new mobile phone in the era of inflation by following some tips given below:

Turn on power saving mode
Switch your phone to power saving mode, which will save your phone battery from draining. On your device click on Settings then click on Battery and then click on the Battery entry and turn on Power Saving Mode

Reduce screen brightness
Smartphone light is also dangerous for eyes, its radiation can affect eyesight. So reduce the brightness of your mobile phone screen. First go to display settings and reduce the screen brightness, it is best to set this feature to auto so that the mobile automatically dims without need. Cell phone light consumes 10% of battery.

Keep the mobile phone charging overnight
It is a common problem that mobile users use the phone even after going to bed and when they go to sleep, they charge the phone which stays on the charge all night. Leaving the phone on the charger overnight even after it is fully charged can prove disastrous for the battery in the long run. When our smartphone is 100% charged and still on the charger, the stress on the battery increases and as a result its life starts to decrease.

Keep the mobile away from hot and cold place
If your mobile is kept in a hot or cold place, it is harmful to your mobile battery. Leaving the mobile phone in the car is the biggest stupidity, having the car in a hot place can affect the mobile.

#Simple #Ways #Extend #Smartphone #Battery #Life
2024-05-13 05:50:28

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