Singapore Police Seize Assets, Luxury Cars, and Cryptocurrency in Major Money Laundering Bust

2023-08-19 14:07:12

During a raid, Singapore police seized assets, luxury cars and an unspecified amount of cryptocurrency from ten foreign nationals suspected of money laundering during a raid. More than 400 police officers took part in the operation on August 15, during which 94 properties and 50 vehicles (with an estimated value of about $600 million), $17 million in foreign currency, 35 bank accounts (with more than $80 million), 250 luxury watches and designer bag, as well as 120 electronic devices and two gold bars were seized. According to the police, the arrested persons were trying to launder their proceeds from illegal activities, including fraud and online gambling. One of the suspects was also found with 11 documents that contained information related to cryptocurrency. The man also had several foreign passports, $440,000 in cash, 23 pieces of jewelry, 6 luxury watches, 12 electronic devices, three cars and two bank accounts. “We have zero tolerance for criminals using Singapore as a haven and abusing our banking facilities. – said David Chew, director of the Department of Commercial Affairs – We have a simple message for criminals: if we catch them, we will arrest them. If we find your ill-gotten gains, we will seize them. We will act against you to the fullest extent permitted by our laws.” The police are currently looking for eight other people who, in principle, also participated in the money laundering operation. Our other interesting articles:
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