Six shots in the head: Belgian baroness living in Valais killed by stepson

Six headshots

Belgian baroness living in Valais killed by stepson

The 70-year-old Baroness Myriam Ullens de Schooten was shot dead by her stepson in Belgium last Wednesday. She has lived in Verbier VS for 20 years.


Baroness Myriam Ullens (70), who lives in Valais, was shot dead by her stepson in front of her house in Belgium last Wednesday.

Getty Images for Dior

  • Last Wednesday, a baroness living in Valais was shot dead by her stepson in front of her home in Belgium.

  • He turned himself in to police and admitted killing his stepmother over a family dispute of a financial nature.

  • He is now in custody.

On March 29, 2023, Myriam Ullen’s stepson shot his 70-year-old stepmother with a handgun, as «20 Minutes» reported. At the time of the crime, the baroness of German origin drove out of her home in Lasne, Belgium, with her husband Guy Ullens de Schooten (88). According to the Walloon Brabant public prosecutor’s office, six bullets hit the victim in the head. The baron who was piloting was injured in the leg and then taken to the hospital.

The victim was the second wife of Belgian baron and businessman Guy Ullens de Schooten (88). They lived for over 20 years in Verbier USA. Together they set up a foundation in their own name in Orsières in the Lower Valais. The couple’s fortune is going up 600 to 700 million francs estimated.

Motive: squandered fortune

57-year-old Nicolas Ullens reportedly argued with his mother-in-law and father shortly before the crime, before sneaking off and getting into his parked car. He was waiting for his stepmother, who wanted to drive away in her vehicle, accompanied by her husband. He then rammed the father’s car and then came out to fire the shots at the victim.

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The stepson reported to the police shortly following the crime and confessed. He accused his stepmother of squandering his father’s fortune “Free Belgium” writes. The public prosecutor confirms that the crime took place in connection with a family conflict of a financial nature. Nicolas Ullens was remanded in custody for murder and violation of the gun law.

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