Slow Down Method: Transform Your Life and Health with These 4 Pillars

2024-03-21 12:55:41

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Do you feel like your life is a constant race against time? Do you find yourself completing tasks non-stop and feel that emotional and physical well-being are just a distant dream? The solution could simply be the mtodo Slow Down.

This approach invites us to put a stop to the acceleration of our routine. It proposes a calmer and fuller life, focused on the here and now.

Ana Gonzlez and José Mendiola experienced firsthand the exhaustion caused by the frenetic pace of routine. For this reason, they offer us an alternative in their book The Art of Living Slower, where they teach us to value each moment and reconnect with what truly matters.

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The 4 pillars of the Slow Down method to transform your life and take care of your health

He mtodo Slow DownIt is based on the slow life movement, born in Italy during the 80s. This movement encourages us to reconnect with ourselves, with nature and with those around us.

The mtodo Slow Downproposes a change of pace and a complete transformation in the way we live and perceive our lives.

Ana González and José Mendiola explain a path to emotional and physical well-being, based on 4 fundamental pillars that can be easily adapted to our daily lives.

Living slower has the ultimate goal of enjoying life. (Source: Unsplash)

With the help of an article published in Mujer Hoy, we bring you these 4 pillars that both women talk about in their book:

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  • Learn to prioritize: The initial key to slowing down is learning to identify what is really important in our lives. Gonzlez and Mendiola highlight the importance of self-knowledge and self-listening in this process.

    By letting go of multitasking and the constant noise of our routines, we can discover our true priorities and, therefore, begin to live in a more authentic and focused way.

  • Simplify your life: it’s about getting rid of the superfluous, both on the material and emotional levels. Simplifying means eliminating unnecessary distractions and commitments that take us away from our true wants and needs.

    Through simplification, we can redirect our attention to what truly fulfills and satisfies us.

Reducing the level of stress is one of the main objectives of the Slow Down method. (Source: Unsplash)

  • Plan your tasks: A conscious and flexible planning of our activities and desires is essential to maintain a healthy balance in our lives.

    This approach allows us to dedicate quality time to what we love to do, without falling into rigidity or stress about fulfilling each point on our agenda. The key is to find a balance that allows us to flow and adapt to changes with serenity.

  • Pay attention to self-care: self-care is essential in the mtodo Slow Down. González and Mendiola remind us that enjoying the small pleasures in life, such as reading a book, enjoying a coffee or simply taking a walk, are acts of self-love that enrich our existence.

    Every moment of enjoyment and self-care contributes to our overall well-being, allowing us to live more fully and consciously.

The importance of self-knowledge is central to identifying priorities. (Source: Unsplash)

How to incorporate the Slow Down method into your daily routine to take care of your health and well-being

It is important to get involved with the mtodo Slow Down in our daily life. Although it may seem like a challenge at first, with small steps and conscious changes, it is possible to transform our routine into a more pleasant and enriching experience.

Constant noise and distractions make it difficult to listen to yourself. (Source: Unsplash)

Here we leave you some practical tips so you can start living more slowly and enjoy every moment:

  • Set clear boundaries between work and your personal time. I learned to say “no” when necessary.
  • Spend time on self-care: whether meditating, reading, or simply having a mate in silence.
  • Enjoy meals without rushingsavoring each bite and preferably sharing them in the company of loved ones.
  • Limit the use of electronic devices Outside working hours. I tried turning off notifications after a certain time.
  • Practically to gratitude daily. Take a moment each day to reflect on what you are grateful for.
  • Move at your own pace. Instead of rushing from one activity to another, give each task the time it deserves.


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