Smallpox, first death in Los Angeles! Implied to be the first of the United States as well.

Los Angeles County Public Health Office california western united states Confirmed on Monday (February 12) that the disease was found.smallpox monkeythe city’s first fatalities which this patient is a person whose immune system is not completely immune

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also confirmed that Los Angeles residents had died from the disease.smallpox monkey But it has not concluded whether the deaths from such diseases in the United States or not.

inconclusive cause It’s because in August, Texas reported that a patient with immature imperfections died after being diagnosed with the virus.smallpox monkey But it is investigating how much of the role the monkeypox virus has played in the patient’s death.

Although in the past few people have died from smallpox. But the mortality rate is often higher for patients with weakened immune systems.

Monkey pox patients often develop a rash, fever, body aches and chills, but few require hospitalization. And in the past, there have been few direct deaths from monkeypox.

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