Bashkortostan Annual Address: Development Vectors, Social Achievements, and Future Plans

2023-12-19 16:53:41 The head of Bashkortostan today addressed his annual Address to the State Assembly of the republic. Radiy Khabirov gave important instructions to the Government and the deputy corps of the region. And, in fact, he outlined the main vectors of development of the republic for the coming year. More regarding them – Gulshat … Read more

Senator Ciro Ramírez Corruption Network Investigation: Latest Updates and News

2023-12-18 03:10:22 Ciro Ramirez Photo: El Espectador – José Vargas The senator of the Democratic Center, Ciro Alejandro Ramírez Cortés, remains imprisoned by order of the Supreme Court of Justice since last Thursday, December 14, for, allegedly, having participated in a corruption network in contracting from Congress. This newspaper learned of the investigation carried out … Read more

World Health Organization (WHO) Statement on Increasing Respiratory Diseases in China – Latest Updates and Information

2023-11-23 00:12:00 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Photo: EFE – CYRIL ZINGARO This November 22, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a statement in which it makes a particular announcement: it explains that, following detecting that there is an increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases in China, it has … Read more

Capricorns will be recognized for their ambition at work, while Scorpios will find balance in their personal lives

2023-11-12 22:26:22 On this day, many zodiac signs will be strongly influenced by energy and passions. Be prepared for changes in plans and situations. It is important to remain flexible and adapt to new circumstances. However, despite possible difficulties, there will also be positive aspects. Some zodiac signs can feel the influence of intuition and … Read more

The Atenea Network: Unraveling Colombia’s Largest Tax Fraud Case and the Involvement of Diana Alexandra Gutiérrez

2023-11-02 04:28:06 The Prosecutor’s Office says that almost 2,000 people and companies would have used the Atenea network. / Illustration Paula Sánchez. Photo: Paula Sánchez Obtaining the conviction of Diana Alexandra Gutiérrez, former official of the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN), is the next major objective of the Special Directorate once morest Tax Crimes … Read more

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: Al-Quds Hospital Bombed and Medical Supplies Scarce

2023-10-31 18:04:00 Al-Quds, one of the hospitals in Gaza whose surroundings have been bombed over the past weekend, according to the UN. Photo: EFE – MOHAMMED SABER During the Security Council that took place this morning at the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) called for humanitarian action in the midst of the … Read more

Firefly Invasion: The Impact of Photinus signaticollis in Spain and the Iberian Peninsula

2023-10-29 23:17:00 Reference image. Photo: Wikipedia A firefly of the species Photinus signaticollis, native to South America, has already established itself in Spain and other parts of the Iberian Peninsula. The colonization of this species in this territory began in 2016. (You may be interested in: The world is moving towards an energy transition, but … Read more