Smartphones can cause Alzheimer’s, scientists say

Doubts have always been present and now they could be confirmed. In an unpublished study published in the scientific journal Current Alzheimer Researcha first connection is made between early cases of Alzheimer’s disease and exposure to electromagnetic waves from our smartphones.

Until now, the triggering of this neurodegenerative disease could be explained by an accumulation of abnormal proteins in the brain (beta-amyloid protein and tau protein). But never has a study been able to mention exposure to connected objects among the causes. The conclusions of the scientists relate to “early” diagnoses, in individuals aged between 30 and 40 years and the evolution of the disease following their aging.

The conclusions are chilling. Smartphones and any other object connected to a wireless network such as Wi-Fi are concerned. The consequences will not be long in coming: the number of Alzheimer’s cases could double within 25 years, while our generation, much more exposed to the waves, is getting older.

Cited in the study, theAlzheimer Association showed that 6.5 million Americans over the age of 65 are now diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Their number should increase to 13 million by 2050. As you will have understood, this is the current generation of 25/30 year olds, an ultra-connected generation that spends many hours exposed to electromagnetic fields.

In France, according to the foundation Defeat Alzheimer’s8% of people over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s disease. In all, one million cases were diagnosed in 2020, with 220,000 new cases identified each year.

“Digital Dementia”

Martin Pall of Washington State University is the lead author of this study. In the press release, he tried to explain the link between our smartphones and Alzheimer’s like this:

“Electromagnetic fields (EMF) act via electrical spikes and time-varying magnetic forces on the scale of nanoseconds. Any of these fields can produce the ultimate nightmare – Alzheimer’s disease in an extremely early onset.”

The press release added more clearly that “very young people exposed to waves from cell phones or Wi-Fi for many hours a day can develop digital dementia”in other words, a deterioration in memory, reasoning, behavior and the ability to carry out daily activities.

The number of studies is still marginal and the press release published by Bentham Science Publishers already called on the community to strengthen its work. For them, it is urgent to carry out examinations “early signs of Alzheimer’s disease in people living near small cell antennae for a year or more”they wrote.

The same goes for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at an early stage, aged between 30 and 40 years old and exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). “These assessments should compare radiation from phone and cell towers, Wi-Fi radiation, smart meters and dirty electricity radiation levels with normal controls”warn scientists.

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