smoking during stress threatens sudden death

Smoking during stress is especially dangerous, said Jan Gabinsky
A photo: Alexander Elchishchev © URA.RU

Smoking while under stress increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and sudden death. This was announced in a conversation with URA.RU by Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia, Head of the Department of Cardiology of the Ural State Medical University, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Board of the RSC Yan Gabinsky.

“Cigarettes are extremely harmful. You need to quit this minute. There is a toxic effect on organs. The heart and kidneys suffer, the vessels spasm. Smoking reduces circulation. Particular harm when smoking during stress. One complements the other. This is a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and sudden death,” said Jan Gabinsky.

Therapist Viktor Lishin said that smoking affects a person’s cognitive abilities. “Tobacco smoke contains many chemicals, some of which are particularly dangerous. Nicotine, after a puff, enters the brain in about seven seconds. This causes vasospasm, various organs suffer from a lack of oxygen, vision, memory and breathing deteriorate, ”the expert explained. He noted that smoking affects the brain, lungs and cardiovascular system to a greater extent.

The therapist stressed that passive smoking is not safe. “Smoke enters the lungs, harmful substances are contained in it, and this causes various lung diseases. If there are children next to a smoker, they have an increased risk of developing asthma, bronchitis, chronic diseases associated with allergies and the immune system, ”concluded Lishin.


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Smoking while under stress increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and sudden death. This was announced in a conversation with URA.RU by Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia, Head of the Department of Cardiology of the Ural State Medical University, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Board of the RSC Yan Gabinsky. “Cigarettes are extremely harmful. You need to quit this minute. There is a toxic effect on organs. The heart and kidneys suffer, the vessels spasm. Smoking reduces circulation. Particular harm when smoking during stress. One complements the other. This is a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and sudden death,” said Jan Gabinsky. Therapist Viktor Lishin said that smoking affects a person’s cognitive abilities. “Tobacco smoke contains many chemicals, some of which are particularly dangerous. Nicotine, after a puff, enters the brain in about seven seconds. This causes vasospasm, various organs suffer from a lack of oxygen, vision, memory and breathing deteriorate, ”the expert explained. He noted that smoking affects the brain, lungs and cardiovascular system to a greater extent. The therapist emphasized that passive smoking is unsafe. “Smoke enters the lungs, harmful substances are contained in it, and this causes various lung diseases. If there are children next to a smoker, they have an increased risk of developing asthma, bronchitis, chronic diseases associated with allergies and the immune system, ”concluded Lishin.

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