Snoring, belly, impotence… These signs which should alert

2023-10-19 10:16:09

« It’s usually between the ages of 35 and 40 that things start to deteriorate for men who neglect their health “, explains Dr Ronesh Sinha, a member of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, USA. In an awareness-raising article published on the website of his foundation, this doctor testifies to these numerous men, in their thirties and forties, who maintain a “ residual feeling of youthful invincibility » : « If you notice weight gain or recurring pain, these may be warning signs of premature aging and not a normal sign of aging. Don’t wait for a heart attack or herniated disc to make you change your poor lifestyle choices “, he warns.

Headaches, impotence: signs of more serious pathologies?

For general practitioner Jean-Claude Nataf, blood pressure is one of the health parameters to monitor in humans. Called “silent killer », « excess blood pressure is difficult to detect “, he explains. It can manifest itself by signs to which you must pay attention: “Headaches, especially in the morning when you wake up, nosebleeds for no reason ; a feeling of having flies flying in front of your eyes or a feeling of being out of breath should alert you. »

Among men aged 45 to 55, a erectile dysfunction can also be a sign of a larger underlying problem. Indeed, in half of these patients, this symptom is accompanied by a high risk of having a heart attack in the following four to twelve years. Another study, carried out on two million patients, indicates that erectile dysfunction is linked to a tripled risk of developing prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

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Four daily problems not to be minimized

Here are four common conditions that may go unnoticed but could indicate a serious health problem.

  • Heartburn more than twice a week : can generate ulcers, inflammations and bleeding favoring cancers of the esophagus and stomach. A diet with less fat, alcohol and processed meats can greatly reduce seizures.
  • Excessive and constant thirst : may indicate high blood sugar. It’s time for blood tests.
  • Abdominal fat : excess fat in this area is dangerous because it is close to vital organs and increases the risk of developing heart disease, certain cancers and type 2 diabetes. A waist circumference of more than 94 cm should prompt you to take action.
  • Urinary problems : need to urinate a lot, weaker stream and feeling of bladder not completely emptied can be warning signs of a prostate problem.

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Snoring: when to consult?

If around 40% of men over 50 snore, restless sleep, punctuated by micro-awakenings, which is accompanied by constant fatigue and weight gain can be a syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea ( Saos) (read box below). Dr Éric Solyom, maxillofacial surgeon specializing in Saos and author of Sleep Apnea. What if healing was possible? (ed. Mosaïque Santé), reminds us: “This pathology affects 22% of men, 17% of women ” and is “particularly common » in middle-aged men, “snorers, overweight and/or hypertensive”. At night, the muscles of the throat and tongue relax involuntarily, obstructing the passage, and breathing is suspended for ten to thirty seconds. The heart, and the body, become tired and, “little by little, many illnesses appear”.

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Sleep apnea: what are the symptoms?

Snoring is an important sign of sleep apnea, but not the only one. If you have a feeling of lack of space in the mouthwhat you often wake up at night to urinate or having the feeling of suffocation, this should also alert you.

From fatigueheadaches upon waking or a need to absorb a lot of excitements (coffee, tea, etc.) to “keep going” during the day are often noticed in patients with this syndrome. Finally, family history or tooth extractions are among the predisposing factors.

— Source :Sleep Apnea. What if healing was possible? doctor Eric Solyom, ed. Health Mosaic.

THE two officially recommended treatments in France are the gutters or assistance with nighttime breathing via a masque. In both cases, adjustments are often necessary before finding the formula that will be most effective. But for the light shapesthe recommendations from Social Security are clear and consist of trying to change one’s sleeping position and following the hygienic and dietary measures following: weight loss (if overweight), regular physical activity, stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption (especially in the evening) and removing medications that aggravate sleep apnea syndrome such as anxiolytics and opioids.

If your apnea resists, and if it is linked to anatomical anomalies of the ENT sphere, there remains the orthognathic surgerywhich involves realigning the upper and lower parts of the jaw so that they fit together better, as recommended by Dr. Solyom.

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#Snoring #belly #impotence #signs #alert

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