So many mountain climbers are enough to melt belly fat

Get Rid of Belly Fat: Here’s How Many Mountain Climbers You Need to Do

Mountain Climbers are among the most popular full-body exercises for a reason. The exercise promotes in particular the stabilization of our body centerbut even if especially the abs are trained, other parts of the body also benefit. Including those Musculature in legs, back, chest and arms. But you not only strengthen your body, you also improve your endurance and improve your balance.

That’s how it’s done: Come into a high plank position with hands under shoulders, feet hip-width apart, and head in line with spine. Keep your eyes on the ground. Now alternately pull the left knee to the left elbow and the right knee to the right elbow in jumping movements. The exercise looks like a knee lift, except your arms are planted on the floor.

With the Mountain climbers burn You, depending on your body weight, about 10 calories per minute. Incorporate the exercise into your interval training sessions three times a week and make it part of your exercise routine. You can do the Mountain Climbers in sets of 5 x 1, i.e. 5 runs of one minute each. If you train three times a week, you can burn an additional 150 calories during training. This lets the pounds tumble and burns belly fat faster.

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You can try these variations of the mountaineering exercise

In the normal execution of the mountain climbers, only one foot has contact with the ground during the hopping knee raises. But there are also variations in which both feet are placed. For example at Mountain climber with extra-wide lunges. Instead of just alternating your knees to your chest, do a big hop, alternately placing your right foot next to your right hand and your left foot next to your left hand.

A special twist is the Mountain climber with trunk rotation. This variation works just like the regular mountaineering exercise, except instead of just pulling your knee straight toward your chest, you pull your knee toward the elbow opposite your knee. So you pull your right knee close to your left elbow, your left knee is then pulled to your right elbow. This rotates your hips with every hop and also activates your lateral abdominal muscles more.

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