So you can schedule a Christmas message on WhatsApp from your iPhone

MEXICO.- In Christmas and New Year Messages with good wishes and congratulations cannot be missed, as it is the perfect time to dedicate some words of gratitude to friends and family.

But the list of recipients is most likely long; Therefore, writing and sending a dedication to each person during the Christmas celebrations becomes an activity that requires more time and effort than you have available.

However, all is not lost. You should know that there is a way WhatsApp that allows you to schedule your special messages, and here we tell you how to do it step by step.

That’s right, you can schedule messages on WhatsApp

Unlike other functions, to program messages on WhatsApp you will need the help of a external toolwhich is only available for users of iPhone.

Now, to send thanks and good wishes to your friends and family during these holidays, you just have to follow these simple steps stop in advance.

Locate the “Shortcuts” app” on your device and access it. on the platform credit the “+” icon which is located in the upper right.

A menu will open that will allow you configure shortcuts for the apps you have installed on your device. You must give click the blue button what does it say “Add action”.

A will appear search bar in which you will have to write the word “Text”, and then select it from the list of available options.

Then the time has come to write the thanks, good wishes and more words that you want to dedicate to him to your contact.

When you are done, click on the bottom bar and Enter the word “WhatsApp”.

Posteriorly, choose the “Send to” option and select the person you want to receive the message. Confirm the action by clicking “Ok” in the upper right corner.

For schedule the message, you must press the “Automation” option which is located in the bottom bar of the screen. Click on the blue button what does it say “New automation” and select “Time of day” from the menu.

Afterwards, you can choose the time to which you want the message to be sent. Verify that it is correct and click “Next”.

In the menu where your shortcuts are, select the one you recently created and Press “Run immediately”.

Can receive the notification when it has been done or deactivate it if you do not want the app to send you a reminder.

It is important to mention that Until now you can only schedule the time of your messages. You don’t need to go through the entire process, you just have to change the text, the time and the person to whom you want to send this dedication.

This “simple trick” will surely help you save hours, but unfortunately you have to remember that for the moment, The function is only available for iPhone cell phones.

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#schedule #Christmas #message #WhatsApp #iPhone
2024-04-17 10:55:34

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