soccer. OMR – Vienna: Marcq-en-Barœul on the Nationwide Theater, historic!

2024-05-19 12:24:00

It is throughout, Mark’s tears with the nationwide staff and Masi’s, final week’s loss to Langone within the closing, have dried. This time, Marquez didn’t miss an opportunity in opposition to Vienna, thirteenth within the Nationwide League, who had been overwhelmed and will solely survive via reactions after Nord scored.

Philippe Caloni’s gamers had been decided to alter their fortunes they usually made an impression within the first interval, reaching rather a lot after a very good begin (17-0, thirteenth) victory (24-3). Going through the burly and robust Vienna gamers in entrance, Marquez fought aspect by aspect after which pushed the ball away. With the makes an attempt of Antunez and Crespo, their pace benefit stood out within the recreation. And Vassillo expanded the rating earlier than halftime.

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Within the second half, Vienna tried to equalize the rating by tightening the impasse. However OMR responded with a late push from Iglesias (eightieth) to seal the victory.

Mark – Vienna: 34-24 (24-3).

Stade Metropolitano, Lille: 4,000 spectators. Referee: David Bone.

– MARCQ: 4E, Antunes (7e), Crespo (13e), Vassillo (36e), Iglesias (80e); 4T, Antunes; 2P, Antunes ( 2e, 65e).

A yellow card: Lefebvre (twentieth).

Workforce: Fleming (Ouassiero, thirteenth); Antunes, Détré, L. Decavel, Crespo; (o) P. Decavel, (m) Cazanave (cap., Nocete, 62nd); Carvalho (Kafotamaki, 62nd) fiftieth), Bruges, Simonet (fiftieth); Lefebvre (Maso, sixtieth), Delaporte (Simonet, seventy fifth); Balas Burel (Mazosiwe, 58th) ), Reynaud (Iglesias, 58th), Ekwah Elimby (Vligen, 53rd).

– Vienne: 3E, Hervoe (49e), Radish (75e), (80e); 3T, Hagrid (49e), Richard (75e, 80e); 1D, Hagrid (33e).

Workforce: Bellavia (Elvoue, thirteenth); Brunel, Morad, Chovalet, Grange; (o) Hager (Richard, 58th), (m) Piet; Minaudier, Massot, Perat (Ravanello, 62nd); O’Flynn (Grosu, 67th), Chapelle (Moldo, 62nd); Kavtidze (Durant, No. 58), Gibierge (Benjamin, No. 58), Robin (Capuano, No. 58).

#soccer #OMR #Vienna #MarcqenBarœul #Nationwide #Theater #historic

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