South Africa: enmity and the weapon of boycott

Kiosk360. South Africa no longer hides its hostility towards Morocco. In response, calls for a boycott of South African companies have multiplied in our country. This article is a press review taken from the daily Al Ahdath Al Maghribia.

Despite the attempts at openness initiated by Morocco both diplomatically and economically, relations between Pretoria and Rabat have remained frozen in the past. Not only does South Africa maintain its support for the Polisario but, lately, it has literally chosen escalation. The official welcome reserved for the leader of the Polisario militia, who initiated a visit to this country on Tuesday, rightly attests to this, notes the daily Al Ahdath Al Maghribia in its edition of Thursday, October 20.

In doing so, South Africa has just wiped out all the achievements, accumulated over the years, in relations with the Kingdom. It is openly and without concealing it that Pretoria today shows all the hatred it has for Morocco, writes the daily. In a statement broadcast by national television, on the occasion of the visit of the leader of the separatists, President Ramaphosa violently attacked Morocco. The South African President wanted to send a message that his country has been supporting for years and will continue to strongly support the Polisario armed militia.

In reaction to this enmity, voices have risen all over Morocco to call for an economic and commercial boycott of South Africa. Quoted by the daily, a public figure, from the world of the media, called, for his part, for a treatment similar to that reserved by our country for countries like Germany, Spain, before the two countries changed their position, or even France and Tunisia.

That said, according to observers also quoted by the daily, this renewed hostility towards Morocco can only be explained by the place that our country is gradually beginning to occupy on the economic level on the African scale. Clearly, Pretoria does not look favorably upon this expansion of Morocco in Africa. She thus tries to weaken the Kingdom and to stop its momentum.

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Still quoting the same observers, the daily believes that the new strategy adopted by Morocco in recent years has begun to bear fruit and make people unhappy, especially among its adversaries. When approaching its new African partners, Morocco focused on the economic aspect of its cooperation with these countries, leaving aside the political aspect, and more particularly their position on the Sahara issue.

Over time and as economic ties tighten, these partners always end up either freezing their recognition of the puppet republic proclaimed by the Polisario, or even supporting the autonomy plan.

To illustrate this win-win strategy adopted by Morocco, the daily cites the cases of Ethiopia, Nigeria, Angola and Rwanda, among other countries which have gradually withdrawn from the influence of the Algiers axis. -Pretoria.

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