South Africa’s Power Supply Situation Improves: Latest Updates & Future Outlook

2023-06-10 18:31:58

South Africa’s power rationing situation has improved a few days ago. South African Electricity Minister Ramohaupa responded on the 10th that the operation of the South African National Power Company has indeed improved. According to the current trend, South Africa is expected to maintain a low level of power rationing.

This week, South Africa’s power rationing scale has been reduced. The power rationing measures start at 16:00 every day, and the working hours can basically guarantee the normal production and life of South African people.

Ramohaupa confirmed that thanks to the improvement of wind power generation facilities in coastal areas, the power supply situation in South Africa is currently at the highest level in the past nine months, and the blackout problem that plagued South African people has been greatly eased.Affected by this, South Africa this weekcurrencyThe exchange rate of the rand has risen significantly.

“This small but significant improvement is the accumulation of our work across the board. The improvements we have now are not accidental. I think we are making progress.” Ramohaupa said that the current low level of power curtailment measures reflects South Africa’s The work and efforts of the national power company and government departments in the past few months.

Ramohaupa said that even if the power supply problem has improved, the upcoming winter is still a huge challenge for South Africans. As Nagrid’s power supply capacity may change at any time, the public must be prepared to deal with difficult situations. At the same time, the South African government will also do its best to avoid the introduction of higher-level power reduction measures.

Since the beginning of this year, South Africa’s power cuts have intensified. At the beginning of the year, it entered a state of national disaster due to large-scale power cuts. The average daily power outage lasted 8 to 12 hours, which greatly affected the normal production and life of South African people. (over)

(Article source: China News Network)

Article source: China News Network

Original title: South Africa’s power rationing situation has improved and is at the best power supply level in nearly nine months

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