ST Lian Jianshou Annual Report Inquiry Letter: Explain whether the top ten direct selling and distribution customers in last year have any relationship with the company_ Oriental Fortune Net

  ST LianjianOn May 10, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s annual report inquiry letter was received, and the company was required to explain in detail the specific conditions of each component of the non-current asset disposal profit and loss;Operating incomeThe rationality of the proportion; list the names, establishment time, main business, transaction content, transaction amount and pricing basis of the top ten direct selling and distribution customers during the reporting period, whether they are new customers during the reporting period, etc. Whether the company has an associated relationship; explain the specific reasons and rationality for the sharp drop in the percentage of accounts receivable with bad debt provision at the end of the period, and analyze the adequacy and rationality of the bad debt provision for each portfolio; explain the reporting period The specific reasons and rationality for the existence of idle production capacity, the specific circumstances of the impairment test of fixed assets related to idle production capacity, relevant accounting treatment and compliance, etc.

The inquiry letter also requires the company to explain the specific content of digital marketing business and cross-border e-commerce business in plain language, including but not limited to business type, customer group, business development process, revenue recognition method, main cost structure, market competition situation, major competitors, etc., and combined with industry development trends, competitors, etc., to analyze the operating income, grossinterest rateand the specific reasons and rationale for the changes in the composition of operating costs.

(Article source: Interface News)

Article source: Interface News

Responsible editor: 92

Original title: Inquiry Letter of ST Lianjian Revenue Annual Report: Indicate whether the top ten direct selling and distribution customers of last year have any relationship with the company

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