Starfield Guide: Tips for Picking Locks and Using Aligners | Xbox One

2023-09-20 18:42:38

We can’t say that Starfield really takes players by the hand and many possibilities of the game are not necessarily well explained without going through the help menus. This is the case of lock picking, which is nevertheless simple to understand when you look at it a little, we explain it to you.

Why crochet in Starfield and what materials do you need?

Starfield offers a lot of items to collect left and right. It’s simple, they’re everywhere. From a cup on a shelf to cutlery, tools and other combination items, you can pick up a lot of things in the game. But the most interesting items are often found in a chest or a briefcase, that’s where lockpicking intervenes.

To obtain good loot, you will therefore have to open chests, open closed doors or access certain computers to retrieve valuable information. Obviously, some containers are locked.

The first thing you’ll need is an aligner, aka a picking tool. They are found everywhere in Starfield, they look like a dark tube and can be collected or stolen, but also purchased from vendors. In the inventory, the aligners are found in the “miscellaneous” category.

Picking all the locks requires expertise

The first thing to know is that not all locks are created equal and some are more difficult to open than others. There are four difficulty levels:

Novice Advanced Master Expert

Level 1 locks do not require any special skills, but you will need to improve the “Security” skill to open the most difficult ones. Each rank of the Security skill allows you to solve more difficult levels of lockpicking: Novice (no rank), Advanced (rank 1), Expert (rank 2), and Master (rank 3).

Improving this skill allows for automatic attempts that can be used during the mini-puzzle to avoid getting too far wrong.

Each attempt to open a chest consumes an Aligner from the inventory. A tip is to save the game before validating the first attempt. If you make a mistake, you can then reload the game and avoid losing an aligner.

When using an aligner to attempt to unlock a lock or system, a number will be displayed to the right of the screen and just above the combinations to find. This is the number of keys that can be used for the current unlocking.

How to pick a lock in Starfield: we explain

Lock picking in Starfield may seem difficult at first, but it’s quite simple once you understand the mechanics.

In the center of the image is a large circle with holes and several levels of depth. And to the right of the screen are several patterns, each of which could represent an opportunity to fill in the notches in the center circle. You will have understood, you must therefore find the right patterns on the right to fill the holes in the central element and thus unlock the lock or the locked system. Here are some tips for success.

Taking your time is essential. No need to rush headlong and validate the first step too quickly, it is better to analyze each pattern on the right and ensure that each one fits the notches of the central lock. Take a right-hand pattern and rotate it 360 degrees to see if it can be useful and place yourself right in front of the holes. If it doesn’t fit, move on to the next one. If it fits, leave it in front of the notches, but do not validate the step yet. Take the next pattern and do the same thing until you fill in all the holes. All you have to do is validate the correct reasons one by one and that’s it. Once a pattern is used, it is removed from the list. This allows you to focus on those who remain. But be careful, not all of them will probably be useful to fill in the last holes. Count the holes to fill and compare them to the line patterns and the numbers of pins they contain. If there are 5 holes to fill and only one of the patterns on the right has an odd number of pins, this means that this one will absolutely have to be used. In higher difficulty levels, we advise you to plan positioning and place all notches opposite all holes, including those in deeper circles, before committing anything. Indeed, it is not impossible for a pattern to be suitable for the first circle when it was actually useful for the last. It is possible to undo a last action in case of error, but it will consume you an extra aligner.

There is only one possible combination to unlock a lock, so you have to be careful not to make a mistake. Once you reach the last circle, you can realize that a pattern already used would have been better suited.

#Starfield #Guide #Tips #Picking #Locks #Aligners #Xbox

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