Starfield Scarlet Fleet: All Pirate Faction Missions

2023-09-10 19:30:00

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If you’ve joined the Scarlet Fleet, one of the five factions available in Starfield, then you’ll need to complete a whole string of special quests. By being infiltrated on La Clé for the interest of the Colonial Union (SysDef), you can however choose to become a real space pirate if you like. Here are all the missions to complete.

Right under their noses

Talk to a corrupt Trade Authority agent named Saoirse. Give her 1,000 credits to tell you more about a shipment of Aurora, a drug circulating in Colonized Systems. At the Cydonia Bar, give the sample to Adler Kemp and tell him he could help you “move the cargo”. Adler wants you to collect the debts of a certain Karl, who is in the miners’ quarters of Deimos. You can either pay his debts (3,000 credits), pass a persuasion test, or attack him directly. Return to Adler and he will tell you about a ship called the Astraea.

Interview with the king

Fly to Europa, where you will find the Astraea ship orbiting the moon. Contact the ship. Then head to Enceladus and spot the Ragana, a civilian transport hiding Austin Rake. Several options are available to you:

UC Vigilance: You can board the ship to speak to the captain and crew. Scarlet Fleet: You will still be able to board, but the request is quite intimidating. You can have the crew kill Austin Rake. You can immediately open fire to destroy the ship.

Once these tasks are completed, return to Europe and speak to Naeva again.

The key

Once all these objectives have been completed, you will finally be able to access the Scarlet Fleet by going to The Key, the name of the ship in orbit in the Krys system. There, Naeva will tell you everything you need to know about the Fleet, its merchants and other activities such as smuggling. Via the red panel, you can accept new side missions for them or start the quest thread that really concerns them.

Echoes of the past

As this mission is long and tedious, we have prepared a dedicated guide for you which you can find below. You will have to kill hordes of Grylloba and find all the information you can about a man called Jasper Kryx. It is particularly during this quest that you will have to choose between Mathis and Delgado.

Internal breakage

This time, you will have to investigate a certain Larry Dumbrosky and make various choices such as killing him or not. Your goal is still to investigate Kryx and the Legacy. Dock at the ship called “The Mermaid of the Stars” and speak to its captain, Once in the ballroom, speak directly to the different people (patrons) to extract information, Do not hesitate to open your scanner in order to identify where the optional quests are located if you do not want to miss them, In this quest, many dialogues can be resolved through persuasion, Be careful, if you choose to kill Gabriel Vera, the entire ship will attack you, The Ending dialogue with Evgeny Rokov does not affect the mission in any way. Whenever you obtain information, you can share it with the Fleet as well as UC Vigilance by making your report.

The stuff of heroes

Delgado wants to seize the comspike and you will have to steal it for him by going to the Well to obtain information (New Atlantis), To do this, talk to a certain Huan Daiyu: you will have to infiltrate a ship called “Jade Swan”, Once inside , you will need a UC uniform: no problem, take the elevator to the left of the guard and go down to steal a uniform. You will need an aligner. Concerning the other guard, before you can access the pilot tests, you must search the computer to find out your access code: ZX321D Persuade Vogel by telling him that it is the commander who authorized you to come here and that This is a top secret security issue. Before flying away, hack another computer by choosing “Project UCE-86 Compsike” so that the CPU lets you move freely. Return to The Key using the quick jump.

Absolute power

Now that you have the Compspike, you must obtain another technology: the conductive network, Fly to Neon and speak to Estelle Vincent, With Myka, choose to act on behalf of the Scarlet Fleet to facilitate dialogue (it will be necessary when even pay 5000 credits to get the pass), You can pay or attack Ayumi Komiko to get the Generdyne Pass. You can also complete the optional objective Find Evidence to extort Ayumi Komiko to avoid paying her Credits. Talk to Breyson Bayu and ask him for the code. Use the computer to decrypt the data. Open the Generdyne Message System folder to download the virus. Benjamin Bayu will threaten you and ask who is profiting from the virus you downloaded. You can lie and tell him it’s you, Breyson Bayu, or tell the truth and say it’s Estelle. The choice will not affect the outcome of the quest or the reward. Talk to Estelle who will ask you for a share of the profits you made from this work, but you can choose not to give her credits, and this will not affect the outcome of the quest. Once you’re done with Neon, return to the Key to report to Naeva.

The eye of the storm

This is the longest quest of the faction and the most important (a dedicated guide awaits you below). It is in this mission that you will have to install the comspike and the conductor network on your ship but also choose between the UC Vigilance and the Scarlet Fleet.

The end of inheritance

This mission can have two different scenarios:

If you chose SysDef (UC Vigilance): you will have to destroy The Key and its scarlet fleet. Delgado will go to prison or die. If you chose the Scarlet Fleet: you will have to face Commander Ikande’s fleet, near The Key, and free the prisoners aboard the Vigilance.

Rest assured, choosing one or the other does not prevent you from completing the missions of a faction. However, if you choose the Scarlet Fleet, you will no longer be able to do “Charge of Evidence”.

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