Starting tomorrow, the ‘outdoor mask’ will be lifted… Must be worn on buses and subways

Starting tomorrow (the 2nd), it is no longer necessary to wear a mask outdoors. However, the mandatory use of masks will remain in the indoor areas such as buses, taxis, trains, etc.

According to the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (Coronavirus) on the 1st, the policy of obliging the wearing of outdoor masks was lifted from the 2nd. It has been 566 days since the last implementation on October 13, 2020.

According to the main script, the mask can be removed in the open outdoors, and it is allowed to take off the mask when taking physical education classes as a class in the school’s outdoor playground.

However, due to the nature of events such as gatherings, performances, and sports events where 50 or more people gather, the density of the event is high, and droplets (droplets) are easy to spread through shouts or choruses.

In addition, ▲ persons with symptoms suspected of COVID-19 such as fever and cough ▲ the elderly, immunocompromised, chronic respiratory disease patients, unvaccinated persons, etc. High risk groups for COVID-19 Outdoor multi-use facilities with seating for 50 or more people, etc. ▲ It is recommended to wear an outdoor mask when it is difficult to keep a distance of at least 1m from others for 15 minutes or more in a large group gathering, or when there is a lot of splashes such as shouts and choruses.

The central government stipulates that indoors are transportation means such as buses, taxis, trains, ships, aircraft, and other vehicles, buildings, and all structures separated from the outside with all four compartments partitioned, while maintaining the mandatory wearing of masks indoors. However, if two or more sides are open, such as an outdoor train platform, natural ventilation is possible, then it is considered to be outdoors.

Among indoor spaces, it is recommended to wear a KF80 or higher health mask when visiting a 3-mil (closed, dense, close) facility or a facility vulnerable to infection, such as a nursing home or nursing home. Mesh/valve mask, scarf, neck warmer, etc. are not recognized as wearing a mask.

Violation of this may result in a fine for negligence as before.

The government said, “This relaxation of the obligation to wear an outdoor mask limits the places and circumstances where fines are previously imposed.”

Han Ji-hye, reporter for [email protected]

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