Steam praises the free “REFLEXIA” visual novel, can you be her redemption in the lonely world of black and white | 4Gamers

Romance visual novels are a common game form in Galgame. In recent years, there have been many outstanding works, such as breaking the fourth wall thriller love masterpiece “Doki Doki Heartbeat Literature Department”, and Steam has recently released another good work for free, “REFLEXIA “.

From any point of view, “REFLEXIA” is a game with a simple style and low-cost production. The story starts from the beginning of the dialogue with the “Protagonist” character on the screen, and soon jumps off the fourth wall. The girl directly treats you as the person in front of the screen, her tone doesn’t even take your words seriously, but she begs the player to date her from time to time.

Yes, players who have experienced PTSD syndrome in “Heartbeat Literature Club” don’t need to be too afraid. The protagonist said that she is just a picture on the screen. What can she do to you?


While this isn’t a thriller, the protagonist does have a scary element to it with the choice of dialogue.

First of all, the protagonist will turn into a sick girl, she will change clothes and ask you to date her, even if you say something disappointing, she will pull the option back and ask you to continue to say what he wants to hear, and think that the player Meeting her was a kind of “destiny”.

However, Bing Jiao Jiang quickly pulled away from this false game emotion. In the end, the first week of the game ended abruptly, and the main menu also changed the display items, asking players not to quit the game.


So, the second week began, Bing Jiao Jiang and the protagonist appeared at the same time, and the chaotic Shura field began.

To put it simply, “REFLEXIA” is a game that seems to have multiple choices, but in fact, the final dialogue will still return to the direction the protagonist wants at a fairly reasonable angle, and sometimes the speed of the dialogue jump will be too fast to capture. , it seems that it is also to present the chaotic feeling of the dialogue between the two sides.


In the middle of the game, Bing Jiao Jiang only gave two choices of “I love you” and silent “…”, which brought shocking repercussions to the game, because neither of these two choices was the correct answer.

Just like many game techniques that break the fourth wall, if human beings can cast emotions or fanaticism to other two-dimensional pictures, why can’t they be serious about this black and white sick girl? Hundreds of choices, the developers have indeed injected some kind of “soul” into Bingjiaojiang and the protagonist.

As for whether to face the game seriously, this is the player’s personal choice – you can sneer and close the game, anyway, it’s just a picture, a free game.


However, you can also choose to continue playing and continue to feel the confession of the protagonist.

When the game reached the third week, Mo Jiaojiang appeared and explained that he didn’t know why he lived in this world (the game), and he didn’t know the meaning of his existence. designed existence.


The game finally comes to the day after tomorrow, and you can talk to the personalities of the girls one by one. At this time, the player truly becomes the “protagonist”, and the game no longer has dialogue options.

The only thing you can do is watch the protagonist talk to the three girls’ personalities.


At the end of the game, the final player will understand that his existence is actually to become a girl’s redemption.

Like any video game, games are created and developed to be played by people, and REFLEXIA is no different. However, as a game, as the heroine of a love game, she has no self-confidence, and her developers don’t even have the funds to switch to richer scenes and make players happier.

Although the developer mahoumaiden skillfully used the psychological design that players like to explore to break the fourth wall to create a sense of abruptness and reality, it has to be said that all the multi-layered dialogues in “REFLEXIA” have truly injected a soul into the “protagonist”.


When the player realizes that he is the redemption of the game’s liberation, the rest is to quietly accompany her (the game) through this section of the road.

The love visual novel “REFLEXIA” by independent developer mahoumaiden has been released on Steam for free. The game supports simplified Chinese and has been highly praised.

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