Step Up Your Style with the New Crocs Siren Clog: The Perfect Shoe for Any Occasion!

2023-07-26 16:35:29

Everyone seems to have a pair of alligators these days. Designed to be comfortable and easy to slip in, the shoe really thrived during the pandemic, but now that things are back to normal, Crocs hopes to capitalize on that by offering a shoe that can easily go from lounging on the couch to grooving on the club dance floor regular life. The shoes are called the Crocs Siren Clog, and what sets them apart from regular crocs is the large, thick heels built into them. Measuring 3.6 inches tall and likely a similar width, these shoes still look like Crocs from the top, but stand up much taller when viewed from the side profile. You can get Siren Clogs in men’s or women’s sizes, and in a range of colors (black, bone white, and ultra-pink), and then of course you can further customize those badges with badges, or Jibbetz as Crocs call them. The Siren Clog retails for £69.99. Here is an ad:
#Effortlessly #couch #club #Alligator #Siren #Clogs #Gamereactor

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