Stepfather raped a one-year-old boy and caused his death

The baby’s mother, a 17-year-old girl, had been allowing her partner to abuse him for nine months.

A one-year-old boy died when admitted to the emergency room of the Central Hospital of Maracay, presenting signs of mistreatment and sexual abuse.

According to the information provided by the national director of the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), Douglas Rico, after knowing the results of the forensic examination, the officials began the investigation process, achieving the arrest of the mother, stepfather and cousin of the mother, by the facts.

During the investigations it was learned that the child’s mother, a 17-year-old girl, along with her 16-year-old cousin, allowed the stepfather, a 15-year-old boy, to sexually abuse him for 9 months.

On July 30, the subject committed the act again, causing the baby to lose consciousness due to the abuse he received and, noticing that he did not react, they beat him and caused him several burns, to try to revive him, seeing that he did not succeeded, they transferred him to the aforementioned health center.

After receiving the medical report, in which they were notified of the child’s health conditions and his subsequent death, they fled the scene to evade their responsibilities for the act.

However, the detention was generated in the vicinity of the health center and in the Castillito and Guerrero de Chavez sectors, in the Aragüeña entity.

The case was made available to the 18th Prosecutor’s Office of the Aragua State Public Ministry.

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