“Stomach growling” may not always mean hungry. So what’s the cause? Check the symptoms, may be at risk of disease.

In the midst of the silence, suddenly there was a sound.stomach growlingcome out, I believe that many people have experienced this kind of situation until they think that they are hungry, but sometimesstomach growling not caused byhunger or just had a full meal The stomach still growled. Did you know that The reason for your stomach growling may not behungryalways butsymptomThe rumbling of the stomach is caused bybrain The parts that control our hunger are prioritizing the work of the stomach and intestines. If there are enough nutrients in the blood The brain will order the digestive system to slow down. But when there are less nutrients in the blood The digestive system will work faster. and the stomach muscles will contract harder than usual cause stomach tremor so we hearstomach growling

although the soundstomach growling It happens often when hungry, but can actually happen at any time. whether when the stomach is empty or not and more The rumbling sound that occurred was not fromstomachnot only, but can also come from the small intestine, such as the sound of a stomach groaning when eating caused by the stomach muscles andsmall intestineSqueeze to mix and digest food. In addition, eating large amounts of food spicy food may make bowel movements faster There is more compression of the digestive tract. For people with small stature, there will be sound.stomach growlingclearer than a person with a larger figure And if lying on your back, it’s easier to have a stomach groan. because the intestines are more convenient But if the symptoms occur frequently or cry loudly. may be caused by

  1. food stalesmall intestinea lot from eating too much food The intestines take a long time to digest.
  2. Eating foods that are difficult to digest, such as large pieces of meat or poorly chewed food. The food remains in the small intestine as well.
  3. The same causes that cause bloating. Indigestion is the presence of excessive gas in the stomach and intestines. Make time for the stomach and intestines to contract. louder than usual The causes of flatulence include:

  • Swallowing large amounts of air from opening your mouth, talking, laughing, or breathing through your mouth. eating or drinking too fast Drinking Straws chewing gum
  • eating foods that cause gas or gas-containing beverages such as soft drinks, nuts, grains
  • taking certain medications addictive painkillers iron supplements
  • gastritisFood inflammation, stomach ulcers GERD
  • Lack of digestive juices, such as milk protein digestive juices and then drank the milk

4. Stress, anxiety, resulting in poor functioning of the digestive system. Food remains in the intestines as well.

5. inflammatory bowel diseaseChronic, which affects the digestion and absorption of food, but often has other symptoms, such as abdominal pain, alternating diarrhea and constipation feces with mucus, etc.

6. intestinal obstruction causing food and water retention to remain in the intestines But there will be no defecation or farting. have nausea Vomiting with etc.

stomach growling  caused by hunger?


Reduce the amount of food eaten at each meal. eat easily digestible food cut down on meat Food must not be spicy, chew slowly and thoroughly, not eat and swallow quickly. Avoid sodas and gases, avoid nuts and grains, including high-fat foods, fried foods, etc.

In this regard, the soundstomach growling It is often a non-dangerous condition. There may be a small number of signs indicating that A dangerous situation has occurred. But often with other symptoms, such as severe abdominal pain, colic, vomiting, may result in other diseases that follow. You should consult a doctor. to be treated promptly

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