Strategies for Saving Money and Enhancing Attractiveness in Education: Insights from Pierre-Yves Jeholet

2023-09-28 21:06:20

What measures? “The problem is that it’s hard to save money.“, explains Pierre-Yves Jeholet. According to him, we must ask ourselves about “savings to be made at all levels of power”. What is the room for maneuver of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation? “The budget of the Wallonia Federation -Brussels is 75% education, teaching. And in this budget, it’s 85% payroll,” explains Pierre-Yves Jeholet.If we have to make an effort, it’s in the payroll“, he adds.

But there is no question for him of “bain de sang social“, because “we have a shortage of teachers”.

It is rather the trail of “a series of anomalies” that there is “for a lot of years“which could be followed. Anomalies”that we perhaps need to correct today“, specifies Pierre-Yves Jeholet.

In this context, it seems impossible to increase the number of teachers, even if the duration of their studies increases by one year. “It is impossible to increase them“, replies Pierre-Yves Jeholet who adds that salary indexation for all teachers, “that’s 130 million euros more“. And we chained together several indexations in a short time…

Rather than increasing salaries to attract teacher candidates, Pierre-Yves Jeholet is banking on other assets. “Teachers and even unions tell us that attractiveness is not always salary“, explains the Minister-President for whom there is also the “vocation” or “a certain number of days off“. And to suggest “enhance attractiveness“by banking on”well-being at school“to prevent young teachers from leaving the profession”after three years or after five years“.

In terms of savings, the Minister-President of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation also mentioned the allocation of RTBF. “I want to lower it“, declared Pierre-Yves Jeholet while RTBF concluded, at the end of 2022, with its supervisory authority a new management contract for 2023-2027. “There are amendments that are possible“, left Pierre-Yves Jeholet hanging.

#PierreYves #Jeholet #Prime #Thursday #WalloniaBrussels #Federation #savings

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