Strategy 2 Middle East Sheriff

Pictured: Middle East region map.

Relation and balance:

First of all, both are US allies.

Both Saudi Arabia and Israel have been allies of the United States for eight decades since 1945. persian gulf region in exchange for the United States to reap the benefits of Saudi oil.

Today, the Saudi government It plays an important role in the region and the Muslim world. is the mainstay of major international organizations of the Arab world, such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Arab League Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Relations with Israel deepen. It could be said that since the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948, many wars against Arab states in the region have been largely supported by the US government. The US government has made a significant contribution to international recognition of Israel. Able to eat Palestinian territories in the midst of condemnation Recently recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This is another important victory for Israel. That persists and grows is the bitterness of the Arabs.

notice that Saudi Arabia and Israel have had several violent conflicts in the past that have led to wars. At present, there are things that are different. But both are allies and are under the support of the United States.

Second, they mainly buy and use US weapons.

Arms trading is directly related to international relations. It represents a good partnership with each other. Both Israel and Saudi They mainly buy US weapons. Overall, Israel’s armaments are often one step above, for example, with the F-35 being the first country in the region and Saudi Arabia not. The Israeli government disagrees.

For years the GCC has been wanting to build its own anti-missile shield (The GCC’s anti-missile shield). The idea is said to have been proposed by the US government in the 1990s when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

In 2012, the idea came to fruition once again as the Iranian nuclear program progressed. Iran Nuclear Fear Spreads The plan is to link it to the US missile defense system.

Recent visits to Saudi President Biden’s statement last week was mentioned again.

Such anti-missile defense systems have had a number of criticisms. Some say it is used to defend against Iranian missiles. Some say to protect Arabs from Israeli missiles. Some say the system will be under the supervision of the US military and will serve to protect Israel. It’s probably going to be a matter of criticism for a long time.

Israel has long used US air defense systems. Later, the pair developed a missile defense system and Israel successfully developed its own system. Highly effective is acceptable.

There is an issue with the weaponry that it should be recognized that modern weapons are large high-tech machines. For example, the F-35A is 15.7 meters long, 11 meters wide, 4.4 meters high and weighs a maximum of 31 tons. It contains many advanced electronic components. Many of them are military secrets. Can’t buy in the market If maintenance is not equal to just scrap

Japan is trying to solve this problem by negotiating the right to build the entire ship or build some spare parts. The advancement of the industry High technology is an important factor helping Japan to do so.

so The use of a country’s weapons is that the country is controlled with the weapons from the manufacturer’s host country. It is not surprising that the great powers are trying to export as many weapons as possible. both for profit international politics and others

strategic 2 Sheriff:

The US strategy for the Middle East uses two of its ally countries to oversee the region. including Israel and Saudi balance each other Iran is currently a major challenge.

retrospectively considering the effects of the Arab Spring (started in 2011) is the departure of many heads of voices. In particular, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Gaddafi of Libya, Saddam Hussein of Iraq (probably not related to the Arab Spring), the Assad family of Syria must continue to win. It can be seen that these key leaders left with Libya and Iraq becoming a failed state, never ending. Syria isn’t over, but it’s in ruins. More than 200,000 people have died and Egypt today lives on thanks to grants from the GCC and international organisations.

Overall, the GCC escaped the Arab Spring. The balance of power in the Middle East has changed. (Here included Egypt, Libya) A well-being country is the beneficiary. Now Iran is the only country left to manage. (may include Turkey or original Turkey)

NATO of the Middle East?:

The military alliance in the Middle East region “Middle East NATO” “Arab NATO” is mentioned recently, which also includes Israel. Last week, King Abdullah II of Jordan said he would be the first to ask to join.

If you look in the member’s frame Members are more confident that they will not be invaded by their neighbors. (Jordan is an example) It is a heightened peace agreement between the Arab nations and Israel. Developed from the Abraham Accords signed in 2020.

And it means that the US government will strengthen its regional powers with Israel and Saudi aide. how to react Will it lead to more confrontation? Some GCC members may disagree with this approach. What is the opinion of the people of each country?

holistic analysis and conclusion:

It can be seen that the Middle East region at this time left the main actors are Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran. In the bigger picture, the US China and Russia continue to focus and play a larger role. It can be analyzed by dividing the region into two polar regions, namely the US and Iran. It is also a region of competition for superpowers as in the past. and may face a serious confrontation from the Syrian issue Iran nuclear program

Whether NATO is born in the Middle East or not The trend of Israeli-Arab relations has improved sequentially. Both of them are left with an important antagonist, Iran. But managing Iran is not easy thanks to its superpowers. It is a competition between world powers in this region that continues as long as fossil energy is in demand.

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